HJPC October 2021 Minutes (26th)

Minutes of the Hykeham Planning Committee meeting 13.21 held at the Civic Offices, Fen Lane on Tuesday 26th October 2021 at 7pm

Councillors Present: North Hykeham Town Council: B Sellars (Chairman), K Sampson, N Tully

South Hykeham Parish Council: P Driffill, R Phillips, D Rowson, P Whittaker,

In Attendance: Mrs M Parker – Town Clerk


Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given

It was RESOLVED to accept apologies for absence and reasons given from Cllr Jackling.


Receipt of any Declaration of Members’ Interests under the Localism Act 2011

The Chairman advised that he would accept any Declarations of Interests as they arose.


Notes of the Committee meeting held on 28th September 2021 be approved as a true record of Minutes

It was RESOLVED to accept the Notes of the Hykeham Planning Committee meeting held on 28th September 2021 as a true record of Minutes.


Chairman’s items

The Chairman had no items to present.


To consider the following Planning Applications:

Planning Applications:

21/1193 - The Craneworks Roman Way SH - Erection of modular buildings containing low rise self-storage units (re-submission of 20/1600/FUL).
It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application.

21/1418 - 1 Dart Avenue, NH - Proposed alterations to create annexe and associated works to property.
It was RESOLVED that the Committee had objections to this application in that the proposed rendering was not in keeping with the character of other properties in the area.

21/1433 - Neale Court Care Home Neale Road, NH - Extensions and alterations to existing building to create an additional 17 bedrooms, storage areas, staff room and day space to include provision of 2nd floor and ground floor extensions.
The committee noted a letter of objections received in regards to this application from a NH resident. It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application.

21/1435 - Land At 104 Moor Lane, NH - Outline application for erection of a dwelling with access for consideration.
It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application.

21/1244 - 50 Otho Way, NH - Conversion of part of the existing garage to a dog grooming parlour (Part retrospective).
The committee discussed the amendments made to this application, which answered objections previously raised by the committee. It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application.

21/1519 - Land Adjacent To 37 Laburnum Close, NH - Outline application for the erection of a single storey dwelling (access to be considered).
It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application.

21/1483 - Land South of Whisby Road/ East of A46 Lincoln Bypass - Erection of 25,000sq. ft (2,322m2) commercial unit for flexible use within Classes B2, B8, E(g)(i), E(g)(ii) and E(g)(iii) along with access formation and parking (reserved matters application with details of scale, layout, appearance and access pursuant to 09/0633/OUT and 18/0309/VARCON).
It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application.

21/1541 - 2 Laburnum Close, NH – Demolition of conservatory & erection of single storey rear extension.
It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application.

TPOs: -

21/1526/TPO - 4 Stone Moor Road, NH - T1 Oak - Deadwood and 10% thin to inner canopy (the epicormic style unnatural growth).
It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to the application, subject to any comments by the tree officer.


Decisions received and correspondence

Decisions: -

21/0540 – 15 Lincoln Road, NH. Application approved.

21/1522 – Asda Superstore, Newark Road, NH. Application approved.

The following item of correspondence was presented, to be noted: -

•12 Thorpe Lane, SH – amended site layout to address concerns raised by Lincs Fire and Rescue and sunlight hours report in response to comments made by planning officer. Amendments for information only.
•Street numbering: Hallmere Dairy, 20 Meadow Lane SH


Review of Hykeham Planning Committee Terms of Reference – Cllr Whittaker (SH)

The Committee reviewed items 1 and 2 of its Terms of Reference (TORs): -

1. Cllr Whittaker asked Members to consider changing the name of the committee to clearly identify that it is a joint committee of the Town and Parish Councils. It was RESOLVED that the committee name be changed to ‘The Joint North and South Hykeham Planning Committee. This resolution would now be taken to both Councils for consideration to adopt the change.

2. The membership of the committee, in the TORs, is set at a maximum of 8 Cllrs from NHTC and 4 Cllrs from SHPC; current membership is four from each council. Cllr Whittaker proposed that the committee membership be changed to equal numbers of membership from both councils, with the maximum set at four Cllrs from each council. Some Members felt that this would unfairly restrict NHTC from representing its larger electorate, adding that that the set membership had worked positively for the committee since its conception. As there was no seconder for the proposal, no vote could be taken. This matter would be presented separately to each council for further consideration.


Neighbourhood plan issues (standing item)

Members were advised that the review of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan may not be completed before 2022/23. On this basis, this item would be removed from future agendas until such time as the review was concluded.

The meeting closed at 7.55pm.