HJPC April 2021 Minutes (27th)

North Hykeham Town Council

Minutes of the Hykeham Planning Committee meeting 22/20 held remotely on Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 7.00pm

Councillors Present: C Briggs (Chairman), K Sampson, P Whittaker, CR Jackling, J Wilson, P Driffill, N Tully, B Sellars

In Attendance: Mrs R Brown – Deputy Clerk

1. Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given.

It was RESOLVED to accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given from Cllr Rowson

2. Receipt of any Declaration of Members’ Interest under the Localism Act 2011

There were none at this time

3. Notes of the Committee meeting held on 13th April 2021 be approved as a true record of Minutes

It was RESOLVED to accept the Notes of the Hykeham Planning Committee meeting held on 13th
April 2021 as a true record of Minutes.

4. Chairman’s Items

There were none at this time

5. To consider the following:

Planning Applications:

21/0419 Building H, Leafbridge Business Park, Station Road – Reserved Matters application for the erection of a building comprising 5no. unites for office, light industrial, general industrial and storage uses together with associated parking and loading areas, access and landscaping (Pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 17/0351/OUT)

It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application

21/0523 17 Conway Drive – Proposed single storey hipped roof rear extension, replacement of existing flat garage roof with pitched roof and internal alterations

It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application

21/0408 Neale Court, Neale Road– Erection of a garden store and sprinkler tank store to serve the existing care home.

It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections in principle to this application, but would support the proposal for planting more trees.

21/0483 1 Redcar Close – Erection of 2 storey side extension

It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application

Amended Plans

21/0425 8 Conway Drive – Erection of single storey extension – submission of existing and proposed front elevations, for information only

It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application


21/0536/TPO 10 Grandfield Way – G1 Oak – reduce overhanging branches back to boundary

It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application, subject to any comments by the tree officer

21/0560/TPO 2 Buttercup Way – T1 Oak – reduce canopy to give 1m clearance from the main back wall and start of main house elevation

It was RESOLVED that the Committee had no objections to this application, subject to any comments by the tree officer

21/0600/TPO 3 Buttercup Way – T1 Oak (as described in accompanying photographic evidence) – fell

It was RESOLVED that the Committee would like to see the tree remain, but defer to the expertise of the tree officer.

Street naming Land off Teal Park Road

The developer had suggested Sandpiper Road, but it was felt that this is not an indigenous species to the area.

It was RESOLVED to put forward Wigeon Way and Pintail Road as suggestions.

6. Decisions received and correspondence

21/0181 Kip McGrath Lincoln South, 263 Newark Road – Erection of 1no. fascia sign with LED illumination to front of building & 1 fascia sign with LED trough light on gable end (part retrospective) – APPROVED

21/0174 84 Brutus Court – Proposed single storey side and rear extension – APPROVED

21/0210 Thos Mawer House, Station Road – Proposed new store room formed in existing building with new fire exit door – APPROVED

21/0139 5 Bolton Avenue – Single storey rear and two storey side extension – APPROVED

21/0207 197 Lincoln Road – Proposed single storey rear extension – APPROVED

7. Review of Joint Planning Agreement

The current Terms of Reference for Hykeham Joint Planning Committee we reviewed.

It was RESOLVED that following amendments be made:

Paragraph 1 – remove last sentence

Paragraph 2 – Amend Membership to be a MAXIMUM of 12 Councillors, with a MAXIMUM of 4 from SHPC and a MAXIMUM of 8 from NHTC

Paragraph 3 – Amend first sentence to say that HPC will be administered by NHTC Town Clerk, remove the management responsibility for the Clerk from SHPC, remove the reference to the initial 6 month review.

Paragraph 4 – Keep the frequency at 2 weekly, amend the last sentence to say “will” instead of “should”

Paragraph 5 – remove the majority of this paragraph and just state that all communication will be sent out by email.

Paragraph 6 – Remove this, just have “Legal costs and professional advise to be charge to each appropriate Council and reviewed on a case by case basis. The costs to South Hykeham Parish Council to be reviewed each year”

Paragraph 7 – Change if to NHTC Standing Orders instead of SHPC

Paragraph 8 – First statement should read “Comment on Planning Applications”

Third statement should have added, “and the appropriate reviews” Paragraph 9 – removed as not applicable

8. Neighbourhood plan issues (standing item)

It was RESOLVED that all members should read through the Neighbourhood Plan prior to the next meeting and if it needs to be reviewed, that a date for this should be set at the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 7.42pm