April 2022 Agenda


The April meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 13th April 2022 7.00 pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School, Wath Lane, S Hykeham

There will be a 15 minute public forum between 7.00pm and 7.15pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. If there are no members of the public present the Council meeting will commence promptly at 7.00pm.


1. To receive apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given.

2. To resolve to receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member’s written dispensation requests.

3. Update from Phil Watt AccessLincoln on the Bridleway project between Ascot Way/Mill Lane.

4. To receive the Police report.

5. To receive County/District Councillors written reports.

6.To resolve to adopt the clerk’s notes of the meeting of 9th March 2022 as the minutes.

7. Finance. a) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for April 2022.

b) To resolve to approve the revised asset register.

c) To resolve to approve the Parish Council’s unaudited accounts for 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022.

d) To resolve to renew the Website Maintenance Service subscription wef 1st April 2022.

8.Highways matters:-   a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe.

b) Outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention.

c) Report from site meeting with Rowan Smith LCC Highways.

9. Bus Shelter Thorpe Lane a)To consider the proposal from LCC Highways officer re: Highways s106 contribution 13/1464/FUL for replacement of bus shelter at Thorpe Lane, S Hykeham.

b) To consider the estimate for replacing the bus shelter at Thorpe Lane, S Hykeham.

10. 10 Year Strategy Working Party report.

a) Update on the installation of the community defibrillator/cabinet at McDonalds, Gateway Park.

b)To arrange the date for defibrillator training and confirm candidates for training.

c) Report on progress of Jubilee Gala event.

d) To review the locations of village seats and suggest other suitable locations or replacements.

e) To review the current locations and new requests for dual purpose dogwaste/litterbins.

f) Great British Spring Clean Event and to confirm the programme of Parish Council led litterpicks.

11. Planning matters. a) To receive the minutes of the March Hykeham Joint Planning Committee meetings.

b)To consider planning applications received and respond by deadline.

i) Withdrawal of LCC planning application PL/0179/21 Proposal for new car park at Land off Meadow Lane.

ii) NK TPO application 22/469/TPO 23 Beechcroft Close.

c) To formulate a response to the Central Lincs Local Plan Consultation.

12. To agree the list of heritage assets for inclusion in the Lincolnshire Local Listing Campaign.

13. Community Awards

a) To consider the nominations for the Parish Council Community Award.

b) To consider the nominations for the Parish Council Achievement Award.


15. To resolve to approve nominations for Councillor/Clerk Training.

16. To consider nominations for the LALC Annual Networking Day 6th July 2022.

17. Chairman’s report.

18. Clerk’s report.

19. Parish Councillor’s reports –information only/items requiring a decision will appear on a future agenda.

20. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the  Local Government Act  1972 for confidential items.

21. To consider the NALC NJC National Salary Award 2021/22.

Date and Time of Next meetings –

10 Year Strategy Working Party Meeting Weds 11th May 2022 6.30pm

Annual Parish Council Meeting Weds 11th May 2022 7.00pm

Carolyn Wilkinson   Clerk 7th  April 2022