Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy – adopted at the meeting of ......................................................


South Hykeham Parish Council acknowledges that some of the activities it undertakes may have an impact on the environment and that it may be possible to take steps to minimise adverse effects. The Council will strive to make a positive contribution to protecting and enhancing the local and global environment through implementing the following measures:




1. Reduce


  • Non-essential documents and emails will not be printed
  • The use of disposable cups and food packaging will be avoided
  • Where possible all printing and photocopying will be double-sided
  • The use of telephone, fax or e-mail or for communication will be encouraged in order to reduce paper use.



2. Reuse


  • Wherever possible the Council will try to find a second life for items through local charitable reuse schemes or donations to local voluntary organisations (i.e. furniture, computers, mobile phones and other electrical goods)
  • Scrap paper used on one side only will be used for printing internal or draft documents and for making note pads etc.
  • Envelopes, stationery and packaging will be reused where possible
  • Items will be repaired rather than replaced whenever possible



3. Recycle (only after considering reducing or reusing)


  • Paper, cardboard, cans, plastic, glass, textiles, ink & toner cartridges, batteries and electrical equipment will be recycled whenever possible





  • The Council will endeavour to purchase fairly-traded goods where available
  • The Council will strive to increase the proportion of goods and services purchased which are less harmful to the environment, within financial limitations. Purchasing decisions will be based where practical on the choice of materials or products that have the lowest environmental impact in production, transportation, use and disposal




  • The Council will promote cycling to local meetings
  • The Council will promote the use of public transport where available
  • Car sharing will be encouraged where possible
  • The Council will strive to utilise vehicles with high fuel efficiency figures, low CO2 emissions and investigate the use of more environmentally friendly alternative fuels




  • We will seek to minimise the use of energy in all our activities
  • Lights and equipment will be switched on only when in use and not left on ‘standby’
  • New electrical goods purchased will be ‘A’ rated where available
  • Any construction projects should conform to the highest sustainable design and construction standards possible within the available budget and will utilise reclaimed materials where possible




  • Water will be conserved where possible




  • The Council will endeavour to protect, restore and enhance biodiversity and will promote ‘protected’ areas to encourage wildlife.
  • When possible, native, wildlife friendly species will be used for planting schemes
  • To prepare for potential climate change impacts, drought tolerant species will be used wherever possible


The successful implementation of this policy depends on the awareness and commitment of all members and staff of South Hykeham Parish Council. Hence, all new members and staff will be made aware of its existence on joining the organisation, and reminded they must conform with it on a regular basis. The success of the policy will be evaluated on an annual basis.





