November 2023 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson Website:

Minutes of the November Parish Council meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th November 2023 at 7.00pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School, Wath Lane.  

Present: Councillors Mrs P Whittaker (Chairman), D Rowson, P Driffill, S Roe, N Southam.

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson. 

In attendance: Reverend Collins.

Public Forum:  There were no members of the public present so there was no Public Forum.

The Parish Council meeting started at 7.00pm with the Chairman welcoming everyone.

1. To receive apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given.  Cllrs Mrs Graham and Dillon Jones had sent their apologies for absence.  Cllr Roe proposed that the reasons for absence should be accepted.  Motion seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands.    The Police Beat Team, Cllrs A Briggs (LCC), M Lofts (NKDC), M Overton(LCC). had each sent their apologies which were noted.

2. To resolve to receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member’s written dispensation requests.  There were no declarations of interest at this point.      

3. To receive County and District Councillors reports – for information only.  Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting . 

Cllr Overton had sent a written report which had been copied to all members and was noted.  

Cllr Roe reported that the County Council meeting had been brought forward a week in order to discuss and decide on Devolution.  He advised that food waste bins will be introduced in Lincolnshire shortly.

4. To receive the Police report. In the absence of the Police Beat team there was no report.

5.To resolve to adopt the clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 11th October 2023 as the minutes of that meeting.   Cllr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the Clerk’s notes should be adopted as a true record of that meeting Chairman signed the minutes.

6. To receive the report from the 10 Year Strategy Working Party meeting of this evening.

a) To confirm the final arrangements for the Armistice Day Service on Saturday 11th November 2023 11am.

There were no further changes to the arrangements as agreed at the October meeting.  Reverend Collins has produced the order of service.  Invitations have been sent out to the usual guest list.  Light refreshments will be served in the church after the service.  All are welcome. 

b) To confirm the arrangements for the Parish Council stall at St Michael and All Angels Christmas Fayre on 9th December 2023. This is an opportunity for the Parish Councillors to engage with their parishioners and to start the consultation with them for the revised Joint Neighbourhood Plan.  The Clerk has devised a questionnaire which councillors will use to engage with parishioners and gauge their response to what they feel should be featured in the plan and also what amenities and services they would like to see in South Hykeham.   The Council will run a children’s tombola in conjunction with the consultation.  All members are expected to attend to assist with setting up from 9am until it finishes about midday.

c) To confirm the arrangements and date for the Parish Council hosted lunch and warm space event at the Church.  Deferred until a future meeting.  There is already provision at the Ark.

7. Finance. 

a) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for November 2023. Cllr Roe proposed that the payment of accounts for November should be approved.  The motion was seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands.





2 dual purpose litterbins



Paper & ink cartridges


C. Wilkinson

Petty cash reimbursement


C. Wilkinson






iPad and Sim monthly plan


Giff Gaff

Mobile monthly payment


Total Expenditure



Total income



b) To receive the budget report up to 31st October 2023. There was no budget report for this meeting as the Clerk has been having IT problems which are still unresolved.

c) 2023/24 Budget preparation.  After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Southam and unanimously approved on a show of hands that a December Parish Council  meeting should be convened in order to discuss the budget and precept requirements once the letter from NKDC had been received regarding the Town and Parish Council Precept setting.  In addition there are other important matters that need to be considered before the January meeting including the report back from the next Neighbourhood Plan working party meeting and the letter advising of the Clerk’s backdated pay award which had arrived too late to be included on the agenda for this evening.

Clerk to advise members of the December meeting and to advertise on the website in the Witham Herald and on the noticeboards/confirm with the Headteacher that Weds 13th December 7pm is available 

d) To consider projects/items to be included in the budget in preparation for 2024/25 precept.

Deferred to the next meeting.

8) Highways matters

a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe. Noted

b) To report outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention. No new reports

c) To discuss the suggestion for the location of the Commemorative benches following the visit from LCC Highways Officer and to receive the report from the Clerk on other highways related matters in the Parish. Proposed Cllr Southam, seconded by Cllr Drifill and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Elizabeth II bench should be installed on the grass triangle at the top of Meadow Lane and the King Charles III should be installed on Newark Road opposite no 60 on the grass verge. Both locations agreed by the LCC Highways Office at a site visit.  Clerk to obtain quotes for installation in the new year and pending tree work at Meadow Lane South Hykeham

9. Planning matters

a) To consider NKDC & LCC planning applications received and respond by deadline.  No applications to consider.  Noted that enforcement action is being taken at Thorpe Lane.

b) To consider NKDC Tree Preservation Order applications received and respond by deadline.  None

c)  To note NKDC/LCC planning decisions. Noted

10.Update on the planned review of the Hykeham Joint Neighbourhood Plan and report from the joint meeting held on 6th November 2023 to discuss the proposals. The management of the grant funding  and the banking of the same had been discussed at the meeting.  Cllr Rowson proposed, seconded by Cllr Southam that this council agrees to the funds being banked by North Hykeham Town Council in a ring fenced account specific to this matter with month financial reports to be given to each council.  In addition all payments from this account will be jointly approved by each council.  Unanimously approved on a show of hands.

11. Litterpicking report.  Next litterpick scheduled for Sat 10th February 2024 10.30am to midday subject to the weather.  More volunteers are needed and it is essential that members of council are involved if they are to lead this initiative.  All equipment is provided and risk assessment and insurance is in place.  This is another opportunity for parishioners to engage with their elected members. Clerk to advertise

12. Correspondence.  None

13. Chairman’s report.   Cllr Mrs Whittaker advised members of the next meeting of the joint NP working party on Monday December 11th at 6.30pm and asked that all members should attend.

14. Clerk’s report. The LGPS pay award backdated to 1st April 2023 has been received too late for the agenda for this evening and so has been deferred to the meeting to be held on Weds 13th December 2023 7pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School. Agenda item for December meeting

15. Parish Councillors’ reports –information only/items requiring a decision will appear on a future agenda.  Cllr Roe reported that Balfour Beatty are offering some volunteers hours for small projects.  Previously they had planned the design and layout of the Fen Lane green space outside of the Civic Offices.  If members have any suggestions for projects they would like to put forward please let the clerk know.

16. To resolve to approve nominations for Councillor/Clerk Training.  No nominations.  Clerk to attend the Clerk’s Networking Day hosted by LALC.

17. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for confidential items.  No matters to discuss under this heading.

Date & Time of Next meetings: – 10 Year Strategy Working Party meeting Weds 10th January 2024

Full Council meeting Weds 10th January 2024 7.00pm

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.12pm.