June 2023 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson Website: https://south-hykeham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/

Minutes of the June  Parish Council meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 14th June 2023 at 7.00pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School, Wath Lane.

Present: Councillors: Mrs P Whittaker (Chairman of the meeting), P Driffill, D Rowson, S Roe, N Dillon-Jones.  Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson. 

Present: Cllr Marianne Overton (NKDC/LCC) Cllr Alan Briggs (LCC) Cllr Matt Lofts (NKDC) Cllr Stephen Roe (NKDC/LCC) PC Jordan Bathie- Drexler and PCSO Jo Mackie.

Public Forum:  There was one member of the public present who had applied for the vacancy on Danker Ward and was in attendance in support of his expression of interest.  In addition the recipient of the Community Award 2023, Mrs Carol Phillips, and her family were present for the presentation of the Community Award.  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Annual presentation of the Community Award 2023 The Chairman presented the Community Award to Carol Phillips who had been nominated for her many years of service to the South Hykeham Community.  Carol has been a school governor and is currently a church warden.  She also volunteers at the local food bank and organises the very successful annual Dog Show. The Parish Council was delighted to present her with the Community Award 2023 and to recognise her as a very worthy recipient.

Carol was presented with the Community Award shield which she will hold for the ensuing year, a framed certificate and a gift voucher.   Mrs Phillips and her guests left the meeting after the presentation of the award.    

1. To receive apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given.  Apologies had been received from Cllr Mrs Graham.  Cllr Rowson proposed that the reason for absence should be accepted.  Motion seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands.   

2. To resolve to receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member’s written dispensation requests.  There were no declarations of interest at this point.  Cllr Rowson proposed that the order of the agenda should be moved to allow the Police Report to be given in order to release the officers for operational duties.  

The motion was seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved.                                                                    

4. To receive the Police Report.  PC Jordan Bathie-Drexler gave the report on the restructure of the force and the loss of the PCSOs.   Police coverage for this area will be reduced as priorities have changed and the service will need to change in order to keep the core services at an acceptable level.  Each area of Lincs will still be covered by its own dedicated Neighbourhood Policing Team which is led by an inspector, and which has dedicated Police Sergeants and Constables with no changes being made to community beat managers.  Each area will also retain a PCSO presence to support those teams in addressing local issues.  Whilst they may not be dedicated to each neighbourhood tema they will be a available as s resource to assist with problem solving and prevention in those areas.  Resources will be focused on the most vulnerable beats those being Lincoln, Grantham, Boston, Skegness, Spalding Sleaofrd, Louth, Mablethorpe and Gainsborough.   Members of Council expressed concern in the reduction of cover for this and the surrounding area and felt that this revised model of Neighbourhood Policing with the reduction in the PCSOs from 91 to 50 would leave areas other than those currently identified as vulnerable beats more at risk and more vulnerable to crime and anti-social behaviour.   The Chairman thanked to Police Beat Team for attending in order to appraise members of the changes to cover.  The Police Beat Team left the meeting and the normal order of the agenda was resumed.

3. To receive County and District Councillors reports.  Cllr Alan Briggs introduced himself and advised that he is also a Lincoln City  Councillor.  He has had extensive dealings with the Western Growth Corridor proposals and has attended the North Hykeham Relief Road seminar at the Bentley.  He expressed concerns about the Pennells roundabout though the Relief Road is much needed.

Cllr Matt Lofts introduced himself and advised that he is also a North Hykeham Town Councillor.  He has also attended the presentation at The Bentley and advised that there has been extra mitigation put in place reducing sound and vibration and the noise impact which previously would have been disruptive but now it will be minor noise.  He has concerns that South Hykeham will become a rat run.  

He had sent a report prior to this meeting about a planning application 23/0515/LDPRO Wood/Thorpe Lane South Hykeham  with the applicant seeking approval from NKDC in order to site a further 7 caravans on the Broxburn site the argument being that planning permission has already been granted for such a use under historic permissions, with no restriction on number of caravans that can be sited there.  NKDC is investigating the facts of the case and assessing the historic planning permission in question (NK5929) to determine whether, on the balance of probability, the use of the land for siting of additional caravans is lawful.

Cllr Roe reported that there will be an increase in traffic on this road in the region of 50% to 100%.  It was  hoped that Boundary Lane would be repaired this year but it has now been pushed into next year.

Children’s Services has had an overall outstanding report. Extensions to special school sin Spilsby and Louth have had sensory rooms added with much improved facilities for special needs pupils.

The improvements will be extended across the County.

Meadow Lane North Hykeham speed limit has been reduced from 60mph to 40 mph. Cllr Roe is on the case to get the barrier at the end of the bridleway onto Mill Lane extended but that is not a huge priority with highways though it has been outstanding now for about 2 years. 

Cllr Marianne Overton reported that devolution is back on the table with the public agreeing that they don’t want a Mayor but there are plans in progress for what might be implemented in the final stages.

Clr  Overton raised concerns over the decisions with regard to the policing remodel and the reduction in cover for certain areas.  Concerns are also being raised about the asylum seekers to be housed at Scampton and the fact that they are mostly young men who will be housed together with concerns over the infrastructure to support 2,500 people.  

Hykeham Relief Road will have a significant sound barrier fence and it will have a new kind of quieter surface.  In addition a written report had been received from Cllr Overton NKDC/LCC which had been circulated to members and the contents noted.   There were no questions arising from the report. 

Cllr Overton left the meeting at this point as she had another meeting to attend. 

5.To resolve to adopt the clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 10th May 2023 as the minutes of that meeting. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the Clerk’s notes should be adopted as a true record of that meeting. Chairman signed the minutes

6. To consider expressions of interest for the Parish Council vacancy for Danker Ward and to fill the vacancy by co-option.  There had been 1 expression of interest in the vacancy.  Neil Southam, on a proposal from Cllr Mrs Dillon- Jones, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved on a show of hands was co-opted to the Council for Danker Ward.  Cllr Southam signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.  His Register of Interest once completed will be given to the Clerk for copying with one to be retained on file and the other to be sent to NKDC Monitoring Officer.  

Clerk to arrange new councillor training through LALC

7. Finance. 

a) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for June 2023. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be made.




C. Wilkinson






Giff Gaff

Mobile monthly payment



iPad and Sim monthly plan



Clerk’s annual subscription


Lincs CC

Hire of hall for meetings 2023/24


Total Payments



Total income



b) To consider the purchase of Commemorative Coronation gifts to be presented to the pupils of South Hykeham Community Primary School.  After much discussion it was unanimously agreed that there were no individual gifts to be presented but consideration to be given to providing something else to be of more long standing use to mark the occasion.  Suggestions to be put forward

c) To resolve to approve the renewal of the Clerk’s SLCC subscription. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Dillon-Jones and unanimously approved on a show of hands to renew the subscription.

8. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/23 PKF Littlejohn

a) To resolve to approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1)2022/23. Cllr Roe proposed that the Council should resolve to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23.   Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.   The Chairman and Clerk signed the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23.

b) To resolve to approve the Accounting Statements (section 2)2022/23. Cllr Roe proposed that the Council should resolve to approve the Accounting Statements 2022/23.  Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.  The Clerk/RFO had signed section 2 before the document was presented to the Council.  The Chairman signed the relevant section 2 of the Annual Return 2022/23 as prescribed in front of members of the Parish Council prior to submission to PKF Littlejohn and the publishing of the documents on the website and village noticeboards.  Clerk to submit the documentation and completed AGAR by the due date and to ensure publication of documents as prescribed by PKF Littlejohn.

c) To receive the internal auditors report. Proposed  Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the internal auditors report should be received and outstanding actions should be completed as a matter of urgency. 

i) To resolve to complete the outstanding item of the Clerk’s annual appraisal from last year’s report.

Cllrs Rowson and Dillon-Jones to arrange a date to conduct the annual appraisal as a matter of urgency.

ii) To note the comments and to resolve to put in place procedures to ensure compliance Cllrs Rowson and Dillon-Jones as members of the HR Management Committee to ensure that the process for the annual appraisal should be planned to feed into the review of the clerk’s performance and to ensure council meets its responsibility as an employer to ensure that the correct pay scales/grade are in place.

9. Highways matters

a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe.  The speed indicator device is now at Beck Lane. The Thorpe Lane readings were in the main under 30mph though there had been a couple of reported speeds of 80mph and a handful of 50/60 mph records.

b) To report outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention. None apart from the ongoing issues at Beck Lane.  Reported again on Fix my Street.

10. Bus Shelter at Thorpe Lane update.  To be arranged to coincide with the installation of the benches so the contractor can quote for the plinths too.  Members of Council to look at locations for the Elizabeth II bench after this meeting and to report back to clerk. Deferred to July meeting

11. To confirm the exact locations for the Elizabeth II and the Charles III benches. Cllr Mrs Whittaker to identify the site for the Charles III bench on Newark Road so that the Clerk may apply for permission from LCC to install the bench on the grass verge.  Once the location is agreed the Clerk will send out requests for quotations for the proposed works/order the agreed bus shelter from Ace Shelters.  .  After much discussion it was suggested that the bench should now be installed either at the top of Meadow Lane or along Beck Lane near the boundary sign. Chair and Cllrs Rowson and Driffill to check the locations for suitability and to report back to the clerk/agenda item for July meeting

12. Planning matters

a) To consider NKDC planning applications received and respond by deadline.  Proposed Cllr Rowson seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands with one absention from the vote that the comments as detailed should be submitted to NKDC.

23/0475/FUL   Chestnut Cte, 18 Thorpe Lane   Erection of 2 dwellings with detached garages including private drive extension

Objection  on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site, restricted amenity space, concerns over the access and the storage of bins at the site. Members felt that the access is too narrow and would be limited accessibility to emergency vehicles and other service vehicles. Concern was raised over the trees on the site too during construction and subsequently.

23/0578/HOUS   2 Sisters Close   Erection of a garden room No objection to the proposal though concerns were raised about the proximity of the proposed garden room to the tree which may have a TPO on it and potential damage to the roots whilst the garden room is being constructed.

Council would also like to see a condition that the building should have a condition attached to it that it should only be used for recreational purposes and that no business should operate from it.

23/0455/HOUS   6 Wath Lane     Proposed first floor extension to create extra storey & rear & side extension to create an annexe   No objection/no comments

23/0515/LDPRO Broxburn Park Wood Lane   Certificate of lawfulness of proposed or development for the siting of 7 additional caravans. Objection Members unanimously agreed that they wished to object to this proposal on the ground that it is an overdevelopment of the site. There has been no provision made for the parking of additional vehicles and the access road would be narrowed making access by emergency and service vehicles difficult.  Concern has already been raised with the Parish Council by parishioners that trees have been removed and there is already an additional caravan on the site before any permission has been granted.

b) To consider NKDC Tree Preservation Order applications received & respond by deadline – none

c) To note NKDC/LCC planning decisions - noted. 


23/0461/HOUS   Stanede,  44 Thorpe Lane   Erection of rear extension & proposed new roof to create accommodation in roof space


22/0925/OUT   Fern Bank 12 Thorpe Lane   Erection of up to 3 dwellings including associated access etc

13. To consider the proposal for a review of the Hykeham Joint Neighbourhood Plan following the adoption of the Central Lincs Local Plan 2023. After much discussion it was agreed that a meeting with the consultant should take place as a fact finding exercise with NKDC involved from the onset.  The joint meeting with NHTC should be hosted by NHTC with as many members of the Parish Council attending as possible.  Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Whittaker and unanimously approved on a show of hands.  Clerk to advise Town Clerk/NKDC/Members to advise of availability for meeting

14. Litterpicking report and confirmed date of next litterpick on Saturday 17th June 2023. Noted

15. To resolve to adopt the Parish Council revised risk assessment. Proposed Cllr Rowson seconded by Cllr Mrs Dillon Jones and unanimously resolved  on a show of hands to adopt the revised document.

16. To resolve to adopt the revised asset register.  Proposed Cllr Rowson seconded by Cllr Mrs Dillon Jones and unanimously resolved  on a show of hands to adopt the revised asset register.

17. To resolve to adopt the Parish Council Employment Policy. Proposed Cllr Rowson seconded by Cllr Mrs Dillon Jones and unanimously resolved on a show of hands to adopt the Parish Council Employment Policy.

18. Correspondence.

a) Invitation to the North Hykeham Relief Road (NHRR) pre-planning public information events. Noted

19. Chairman’s report.   None

20. Clerk’s report. The Clerk reported that at the 10 Year Strategy meeting earlier this evening the arrangements for the annual Armistice Day Service had been put in place with the service to be held on Saturday 11th November 11am at the Memorial Bench.    More information to follow in due course

21. Parish Councillors’ reports –information only/items requiring a decision will appear on a future agenda.  Cllr Mrs Dillon-Jones suggested that the council should start planning ahead for the Annual Parish meeting.  Suggestions for speakers to be brought to the July meeting for consideration.

22. To resolve to approve nominations for Councillor/Clerk Training.  Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that Cllrs Mrs Whittaker and Rowson attend the LALC Chairman online training and that Cllrs Mrs Whittaker, Driffill and the Clerk attend theLALC AGM and Networking conference at the Bentley.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Dillon-Jones and unanimously approved on a show of hands. 

23. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for confidential items. No matters to discuss under this heading.

24. To set a date for a meeting of the Human Resources Management Committee in order to conduct the Clerk’s Annual Appraisal.  Clrs Mrs Dillon-Jones and Rowson to liaise to set a date.

Date and Time of Next meetings: –

10 Year Strategy Working Party meeting Weds 12th July 2023 6.30pm
July Full Council meeting Weds 12th July  2023 7.00pm

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.33pm