February 2024 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson. Website: https://south-hykeham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/

Minutes of the February meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 14th February 2024 at 7.00pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School, Wath Lane.

Present: Councillors Mrs P Whittaker (Chairman), D Rowson (Vice Chair), P Driffill, S Roe, N Southam.

In attendance: Councillor Briggs (LCC), Councillor Lofts.

Public Forum: There was no Public Forum as there were no members of the public present.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed those present.

1. To receive apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given.  Cllrs Mrs Graham & Mrs Dillon-Jones had sent their apologies.  Cllr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the reasons for absence should be accepted. 

The Police Beat Team and Reverend Collins had also sent apologies which were noted.

2. To resolve to receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider members’ written dispensation requests. There were no declarations of interest at this point.

3. To receive County and District Councillors’ reports – for information only. Items raised for any decisions will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.

Councillor Briggs reported that he had helped with the Parish Council voluntary litterpick held at the weekend.  Several vaping devices had been found in the hedgerow along Newark Road.  Cllr Briggs had no other matters to report.

Cllr Mrs Overton had sent a written newsletter the content of which was noted by members of Council. 

Cllr Roe reported on the devolution consultation with 4048 responses with the data being analysed.  The findings will go to the Scrutiny Board on 12th March before it is published.

The Arts Council has given a grant for the refurbishment of the Usher Art Gallery and some of the artefacts currently in storage will be brought out for display.

Cllr Lofts advised on the issues of the illegal disposal of waste and advised caution when engaging someone to take waste away on their behalf.  Checks need to be made that the person is properly licensed for the legal disposal of waste.

He also advised that there is still some storm damge support available for both interior and exterior damage and also for street damage.

The Police and Crime Commissioner election will take place on 2nd May 2024. Voter ID must be given and for acceptable forms of ID or to apply for the Voter Authority Certificate check the NKDC website.

Wheels for Life, a county-wide bike recycling programme will take in pre-loved bikes and bring them back to a usable condition, before distributing them to people who do not have the opportunity to enjoy the varied benefits of owning and using a bike.  There will be a new hub at OneNK where the bikes can be taken to be refurbished and redistributed to those who need them.  

There will be a new food waste bin and caddy and soft plastics will also have a separate bin.  Cllr Lofts let the meeting at this point.

 4. To receive the Police report. In the absence of a representative from the Police Beat Team there was no report.

5. To resolve to adopt the Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 10th January 2024 as the minutes of that meeting. Proposed by Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Southam and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the Clerk’s notes were adopted as a true record of that meeting.  The Chairman signed the minutes.

6. Finance.  

a) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for February 2024.

Cllr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Southam that council should resolve to approve the payment of accounts for February 2024 which had been circulated to all members.  The motion was unanimously resolved on a show of hands.





Printer cartridges


C. Wilkinson







iPad and Sim monthly plan


Giff Gaff

Mobile monthly payment


Total Expenditure



Total income



b) To resolve to renew the annual subscription for LALC training scheme 2024/25. Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed, seconded by Cllr Rowson that council should resolve to renew the annual subscription for LALC training scheme 2024/25.  The motion was unanimously resolved on a show of hands.

Action: Clerk to renew by due date

c) To consider applications for grants and donations 2023/24. An application had been received on behalf of the School Council which has been invited to the Houses of Parliament for a visit during March.

Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that the Council should award the full £260 which is half of the cost of their visit.  The Chairman feels it is important that young people are encouraged to learn about democracy and that they are encouraged to have an interest and to be involved.   She proposed that her Chairman’s allowance should be used to part fund the grant with the balance coming from s137 grants and donations.  Cllr Rowson seconded the proposal which was unanimously approved on a show of hands.

Action: Clerk to make the payment of £260

7. To consider the revision of the criteria for awarding the Parish Council Achievement Award to allow for a group/team entries as well as individual nominations.  After some discussion Cllr Southam proposed that the criteria should be extended to allow group/team entries as well as individual nominations.  Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.

8. Annual Parish Meeting Weds 10th April 2024 6.30pm.

a)To confirm the housekeeping arrangements for the Annual Parish meeting to be held on 10th April 2024. Usual invitation list to be used to send out invitations.  Community Award trophies to be presented on the evening.

b) To confirm the guest speakers and invited guest list for the Annual Parish meeting.  Luke Brown the consultant who has been appointed to oversee the review of the Neighbourhood Plan will give a presentation on the evening.  Clerk to make the necessary arrangements

9. Litterpicking – To confirm the date and arrangements for the litterpicking event to coincide with the Great British Spring Clean event.  Proposed by Cllr Mrs Whittaker that the event should take place on Saturday 16th March 2024 10.30am to midday.  Seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands.  Clerk to draft poster/advertise/place on website/ contact volunteers

10.Highways matters:-   a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe.  No report for this evening.  It will be moved to Thorpe Lane from Beck Lane once it needs to be recharged. Standing agenda item

b) Outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention.  No new matters to consider.  Cllr Roe reported that Boundary Lane will be re-laid during the new financial year.  There have been a number of issues with damage to vehicles from potholes along Long Lane.  Clerk to report to Cllr Mrs Overton.

c) Update on the works currently in progress to resolve the ongoing flooding issues at Beck Lane. Work still in progress.

11. Planning matters

a)To consider NKDC planning applications received and respond by deadline. 

24/0010/FUL Erection of 8 modular buildings for Use Class E (a) and E (g) (i) uses - display or retail sale of goods/offices Location: Pennell And Sons Ltd Newark Road South Hykeham Lincoln Lincolnshire Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands with one abstention from the vote that there is no objection to this proposal.

b) Planning applications dealt with under clerk’s delegated powers due to deadlines for response. None

c) To note NKDC planning decisions.  None

d) To consider LCC planning applications received and respond by deadline. None

12. Hykeham Joint Neighbourhood Plan update

a) Schedule of meeting dates/proposed timeline for community engagement events and publicity.

Next meeting Monday 19th February 2024 7pm at Fen Lane.   Noted

b) Financial Report on grant funding application.  Application has been made for the initial funding.   

13. Report from 10 Year Strategy Working Party meeting of this evening.

a) To consider suggestions for events to mark the D-Day 80 celebrations on 6th June 2024.  The meeting had discussed the involvement of the school, church and Parish Council  with a view to having a joint programme of events to mark the D-Day 80 celebrations on 6th June.   Cllr Mrs Whittaker to contact Reverend Collins to discuss ideas to bring forward to the next meeting on 13th March 2024 6.30pm.  

14. To approve Councillor/Clerk’s training nominations.  The Chairman advised that she would like to attend the Emergency Planning event at South Park Avenue as the Parish Council Emergency Plan is due for review.  Proposed Cllr Driffill, seconded by Cllr Southam and unanimously approved on a show of hands. Clerk to book place for Chair & Cllr Rowson will advise Clerk of his availability once he has checked his diary with a view to booking a place for him if he is available. Standing agenda item    

15.Correspondence.  None received.

16. Chairman’s report.  No matters to report.

17. Clerk’s report. No matters to report.

18. Parish Councillors’ reports.  No matters to report.

19. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act.  No matters to discuss under this item.

Date & Time of Next meetings: –10 Year Strategy Working Party Meeting Wed 13th Mar 2024 6.30pm

Full Parish Council Meeting Wed 13th Mar 2024 7.00pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm.