May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson Website:

Minutes of the May Annual Parish Council meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 10th May 2023 at 7.00pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School, Wath Lane.

Present: Councillors: Mrs P Whittaker (Chairman of the meeting), P Driffill, D Rowson, Mrs L Graham.

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson. 

Public Forum:  There were no members of the public present so there were no matters to discuss. 

1. Election of Chairman. To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of acceptance of office.  Cllr Rowson nominated Cllr Mrs Whittaker as Chairman of the Parish Council for the ensuing year.  Cllr Driffill seconded the nomination which was unanimously resolved on a show of hands.  There were no other nominations so Cllr Mrs Whittaker was duly elected as Chairman of the Parish Council for the ensuing year.  Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office.

2. Election of Vice Chairman. To receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of acceptance of office. Cllr Mrs Whittaker nominated Cllr Rowson as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the ensuing year.  Cllr Driffill seconded the nomination which was unanimously resolved on a show of hands.  There were no other nominations so Cllr Rowson was duly elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the ensuing year.  Cllr Rowson signed the Vice Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office.

3. To resolve to come out of formal session for a 15 minute public forum when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. If there are no members of the public present the Council meeting will commence promptly at 7.00pm. No members of public present.

Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that the order of the agenda should be rearranged in order to consider agenda item no. 11.  Cllr Driffill seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.  

11. To consider expressions of interest for Parish Council vacancies (3) 2 for Danker Ward/ 1 for Crow Ward and to fill vacancies by co-option.  There had been 2 expressions of interest in the vacancies.  Cllr Nikki Dillon-Jones on a proposal from Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved on a show of hands was co-opted to the Council for Danker Ward.  Clerk to deliver relevant documents for completion and return to NKDC monitoring officer

Cllr Lucy Graham on a proposal from Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved on a show of hands was co-opted to the Council for Crow Ward. Remaining vacancy for Danker Ward to continue to be advertised until filled.

Cllr Mrs Graham signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took part in the meeting from this point.  Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that the order of the agenda should be resumed.  Seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved on a show of hands.

4. To receive apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given.  Apologies had been received from Cllrs Mrs N Dillon-Jones.  Cllr Rowson proposed that the reason for absence should be accepted.  Motion seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands.    

Apologies for absence were also received from the Police Beat Team,  Cllr A Briggs (LCC), Cllr M Overton (LCC/NKDC), Cllr M Lofts (NKDC) and Flying Officer Vicki Holley-Rowe RAF Waddington.  Apologies noted 

5. To resolve to receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member’s written dispensation requests.  There were no declarations of interest at this point.        

6. To receive the Police Report.  PC Jordan Bathie-Dexter had sent a report advising that the team currently consists of PCSO Jo Mackie and PCSO Will Jones.  Clarification of the future team will be made by senior management teams in the next week and the Assistant Chief Constable will be making contact with all parish councils when there is an update.  Currently the team covers 27 Villages and North 

Hykeham Town which will unfortunately mean the service they provide will have to change in order to keep the core services to an acceptable standard.  PC Bathie-Dexter advised that he is still very much invested in improving things where he can and invites the Council to send any questions or concerns to him.   Upon his return from annual leave he would be keen to meet with the Parish Council and by that time hopes to have a solid vision presented to him by senior management so he may plan what his engagements/functions will look like moving forward. Noted/invitation to June meeting

7. To receive County and District Councillors reports.  A written report had been received from Cllr Overton NKDC/LCC and had been circulated to members and the contents noted.   There were no questions arising from the report.  

8.To resolve to adopt the clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 12th April 2023 as the minutes of that meeting. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the Clerk’s notes should be adopted as a true record of that meeting. Chairman signed the minutes    

9. Election of Committee Members.

a) Election of members of Human Resources Management Committee (3 members/1 reserve) ) Cllr Mrs Whittaker nominated Cllrs Mrs Graham, Driffill and Rowson as members of Human Resources Management Committee for the ensuing year and Cllr Mrs Dillon Jones as reserve member.  Motion seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands.  There were no other nominations and all were duly elected.  

i) To review the terms of reference for the Human Resources Management Committee.  Proposed Cllr Rowson seconded by Cllr Driffill  and unanimously resolved that the terms of reference for the Committee as circulated to members of Council should be approved. 

b) Election of members of the 10 Year Strategy Working Party (5 members/1 reserve) Cllr Mrs Whittaker nominated Cllrs Mrs Graham, Driffill, Rowson, Mrs Dillon-Jones and herself as members of the 10 Year Strategy Working Party for the ensuing year.  Motion seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands.  There were no other nominations and all were duly elected.  There was no nomination for a reserve member.   The Working Party is responsible for reporting back to the Parish Council with recommendations for actions for the Parish Council to make decisions relating to the 10 Year Strategy.

i) To review the terms of reference for the 10 Year Strategy Working Party. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the terms of reference for the Working Party as circulated to members of Council should be approved.   

c) Election of representatives on Village Hall Committee (2 members/1 reserve).  Cllr Rowson nominated Cllrs Driffill and Mrs Whittaker as representatives on the Village Hall Committee for the ensuing year.  There was no reserve nomination.  Motion seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved on a show of hands.  There were no other nominations and each were duly elected.

10. Matters arising from District and Parish Council Elections Thursday 4th May 2023. No matters arising.

12. To resolve to approve the revised Parish Council Standing Orders. Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson proposed that the revised Standing Orders should be approved.  Unanimously resolved on a show of hands. 

13. Finance. 

a) To resolve to approve the Parish Council’s unaudited accounts for 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023. 

Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Parish Council’s unaudited accounts as at 31st March 2023 should be approved.  Unanimously resolved on a show of hands. 

b) Ratification of the renewal of the Parish Council Insurance Long Term Agreement Policy for current year. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the renewal of the Parish Council Insurance Long Term Agreement Policy for the current year should be ratified.

c) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for May 2023.


Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.

d) Reserves review – to review reserves and ear-marked expenditure. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the review of reserves and ear-marked expenditure should be approved.

e) Request from South Hykeham Community Primary School for donation towards school library upgrade or to consider the purchase of commemorative Coronation items to gift to the pupils. The Clerk had sought the advice of LALC and had been informed that the Council had no power to make a donation to an educational establishment.  However, it could purchase Coronation mugs to give to each of the pupils.                  Council agreed to defer to the next meeting

14. To resolve to adopt the revised Financial Regulations.  Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the revised Financial Regulations should be approved.

a) Ratification of the Council Debit card policy. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved that the policy for use of the Council Debit Card as covered in the Financial Regulations has the approval of Council.  To be reviewed at least every 2 years

b) Ratification of the BACS/CHAPS payments policy. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved that the policy for use of the BACS/CHAPS payments policy as covered in the Financial Regulations has the approval of Council.  To be reviewed at least every 2 years

c) Ratification of the Council Direct Debit policy. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved that the policy for use of the Direct Debit policy as covered in the Financial Regulations has the approval of Council.  To be reviewed at least every 2 years

15. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/23 PKF Littlejohn.     Deferred to the June meeting of council and Clerk to request an extension of the deadline.

a) To resolve to approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1)2022/23.Deferred to  June meeting

b) To resolve to approve the Accounting Statements (section 2)2022/23. Deferred to June meeting

16. Highways matters

a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe.  In the absence of Cllr Roe there was no report.

b) To report outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention. None

17. Bus Shelter at Thorpe Lane update.  To be arranged to coincide with the installation of the benches so the contractor can quote for the plinths too.  Deferred to subsequent meeting

18. To confirm the exact locations for the Elizabeth II and the Charles III benches. Cllr Mrs Whittaker to identify the site for the Charles III bench on Newark Road so that the Clerk may apply for permission from LCC to install the bench on the grass verge.  Once the location is agreed the Clerk will send out requests for quotations for the proposed works/order the agreed bus shelter from Ace Shelters.  It has been reported that the Elizabeth II bench which council had agreed to install at Pump Hill in order to replace the bench that was reported as being in poor repair is in fact sound and doesn’t need replacing.  After much discussion it was suggested that the bench should now be installed at the bottom of Wath Lane adjacent to the public right of way.  Clerk, Chair and Cllr Mrs Graham to check the location for suitability /agenda item for June meeting

19. Planning matters

a) To consider NKDC planning applications received and respond by deadline. 

23/0461/HOUS    Stanede,  44 Thorpe Lane    Erection of rear extension & proposed new roof to create accommodation in roof space        No objection

23/0455/HOUS    6 Wath Lane            Proposed first floor extension to create extra storey & rear & side extension to create an annexe    No objection

b) To consider NKDC Tree Preservation Order applications received & respond by deadline – none


23/0161/TPO    12 Fox Covert, South Hykeham    T1/T2 Oak crown reduce by 1.5m - noted

23/0283/TPO     10 Fox Covert             T1, 2, 3, 4 Oak various works – noted 

c) To note NKDC/LCC planning decisions. 


23/0066/FUL     Nestfield 30 Thorpe Lane   Demolition of existing bungalow, brick privy & garage & erection of replacement single storey dwelling

20. Litterpicking report and confirmed date of next litterpick on Saturday 10th June 2023.  Proposed Cllr Driffill, seconded by Cllr Mrs Whittaker and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the litterpick by deferred until Saturday 17th June 2023.  Clerk to advertise new date

21. Correspondence.  Letter from LALC asking for nominations for their Management Team.

22. Chairman’s report.  E-scooters should be insured.  Increasing numbers of serious accidents involving them.    

23. Clerk’s report. Revised risk assessment will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

24. Parish Councillors’ reports –information only/items requiring a decision will appear on a future agenda.  No reports.

25. To resolve to approve nominations for Councillor/Clerk Training. No nominations.

26. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for confidential items.  Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved that the Council should move into closed session in order to discuss sensitive matters.

27. To review the Parish Council’s current banking arrangements and to seek an alternative banking provider better positioned to service the Parish Council’s accounts.  Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved that the Council should open bank accounts with a bank specializing in accounts that are suitable for Parish and Town Councils.  The Clerk to contact the bank in question and bring back a full recommendation to the June meeting of Council.  

Date and Time of Next meetings: –

10 Year Strategy Working Party meeting Weds 14th June 2023 6.30pm
June Full Council meeting Weds 14th June 2023 7.00pm

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.28pm