January 2020 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/SouthHykeham


Minutes of the January meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th January 2020 at 7.00 pm in South Hykeham Village Hall.


Present: Councillors: Mrs Whittaker, (Chairperson), Mrs L Graham, Mrs N Dillon-Jones, P Driffill, D Rowson, S Roe. Carolyn Wilkinson, Clerk. Cllr M Thompson LCC and Cllr Mrs Overton NKDC/LCC were also present.

In Attendance: There were no members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Public Forum: There was no public forum as there were no public present.


Action notes


1. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Apologies had been received from Cllr Mary Green NKDC, Cllr Spray NKDC and Philip Watt Access Lincoln. The Police Beat Team had also sent their apologies.


2. To receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider members’ written dispensation requests. Written dispensation requests had been submitted to the Proper Officer prior to the commencement of this meeting by Cllrs Mrs Graham and Mrs Dillon-Jones requesting the granting of a dispensation in order to discuss and to resolve to agree the precept requirements of Council for the forthcoming financial year. The requests for dispensations for this purpose were considered and granted for a period of 4 years by Carolyn Wilkinson the Proper Office of the Council.


3. Police Report The police report had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. The priority for the next 3 months is tackling anti-social behaviour at public open spaces town and rural and also it has been reported to the police that there has been anti-social behaviour at the Station Road/Newark Road crossroads at the back of the pharmacy.


4. Bridleway N Hykeham 2 improvements between Ascot Way and Mill Lane.

a) Report from Phil Watt Access Lincoln An update had been received from Mr Watt advising that a project engineer has been assigned and they are now proceeding straight to detailed design. He will be meeting with the engineer on site on Monday 2.30pm 13th Jan 2020. Agenda item next month

b) To consider applying for s106 planning gains from Thorpe Lane development 13/1464 FUL. At the present time there are no costings available or timescales for commencement of project which is the information required to support the application for the planning gains attached to the Thorpe Lane development. It is hoped that after the site meeting and completion of the detailed design that information will be forthcoming and the application for the s106 planning gains can be submitted to NKDC with the supporting information required. Agenda item February meeting


5. District and County Councillors’ reports – for information only. Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Cllr Green NKDC had provided a written report prior to the meeting which had been circulated to members of the Council prior to this meeting. Noted. In the absence of Cllr Spray there was no report. Cllr Thompson LCC reported that a full Council meeting took place on Wednesday 11thDecember2019.This was brought forward due to the General Election and was required despite restrictions on public affairs during the election period in order to conduct urgent business of the full County Council. The most important item being to ratify the Appointments Committee decision on the selection of a new Chief Executive. Debbie Barnes OBE, LCC Director of Children’s Services and Head of Paid Service who was named as the selected candidate. Other issues raised were the County Council Corporate plan, Climate Change and carbon reduction report and future management plans. A motion proposed by the Labour Group requested the County Council write to the new incoming HM Government setting out concerns viewed by LCC. This included fairer funding for Local Government, devolution, funding for Adult Social Care and preventative services. An amendment was tabled requesting the inclusion of removal of the cap on Internal Drainage Boards in dealing with flooding. Both the amendment and the motion were carried unanimously. Cllr Mrs Overton reported that there have been some issues with flooding on the highways with drains unable to cope with the heavy downpours that have recently been encountered. There had been a disappointing lack of response to these reports by Highways initially but there has been some improvement now. Potholes are a major issue and some works are being carried out as there are concerns over road safety and the general condition of the highways. It is recommended that particularly for potholes to use ‘Fix my street’ for reporting as once they have been logged on the system there has to be a response. Budgets will be discussed at the next LCC meeting so if there are any budget increases that need to be considered please contact Cllr Mrs Overton. There has been a staffing change with the appointment of a new commercial director of Adult Care and work has been carried out nationally with cross party agreement on the funding of Adult Social Care. Cllr Mrs Overton left the meeting at this point. Cllr Roe reported that matters that were currently under consideration were potholes and Boundary Lane speed reduction which is currently out to consultation. He reported that agreement had been reached that the speed indicator brackets could be attached to the speed limit signs on Boundary Lane as there is no footpath on that stretch so wouldn’t be a hazard for pedestrians. LCC has also been approached to facilitate a meeting with the Headteacher of South Hykeham Primary School to consider what the school would like to see to improve safety at the school site.

6. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13thNovember 2019 to be approved as the minutes of the meeting. Cllr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Driffill that the clerk’s notes should be adopted as the minutes of the meeting held on13thNovember2019. It was unanimously resolved by those present at that meeting that the clerk’s notes should be approved as the minutes. Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the minutes.


7. To consider expressions of interest for Parish Council vacancies (2) Danker Ward and fill by co-option. There had been no further expressions of interest to fill the one remaining vacancy. Agreed to continue to advertise in the school newsletter, on the website and on the noticeboards. Clerk to continue advertising remaining vacancy


8. Finance

a) Budget report to 31st December 2019. Cllr Mrs Graham proposed, seconded by Cllr Rowson that the budget report to 31st December 2019 should be received. Unanimously resolved on a show of hands.

b) To approve the renewal of annual Data Protection registration. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Driffill that the annual Data Protection registration should be renewed. Unanimously approved on a show of hands. Clerk to renew

c) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for December 2019/ January 2020. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.



ICO Data protection fee £40.00 (debit card 08/01/20)

C. Wilkinson Salary £620.80 (BACs 08/01/20)

HMRC Tax & NICs £52.40 (cheque no. 100549 08/01/20)

Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £6.00 (Direct debit 21st Jan 2020)

Total payments £818.20


9. To consider the award of annual grants/donations 2020/21. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the budget for s137 annual grants and donations should be increased to £600 from £500. Unanimously approved on a show of hands.


10. To consider the renewal of annual subscription for LALC membership 2020/21. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the annual subscription for LALC membership 2020/21 should be renewed.


11. To consider the renewal of annual subscription for LALC training scheme 2020/2021. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the annual subscription for LALC Training Scheme 2020/21 should be renewed.


12. To consider the effectiveness of Joint Planning Committee and make financial provision for admin. costs. After much discussion it was agreed that the Joint Planning Committee was working well. Cllr Mrs Graham proposed, seconded by Cllr Rowson that financial provision of £600 should be made in the budget 2020/21 for admin. costs relating to the same. Unanimously approved on a show of hands.


13. Location of new litterbins/to consider purchase of additional litterbins. 3 litterbins held in reserve at Clerk’s house in readiness for installation at bridleway, the new development on Thorpe Lane and possibly at Poppyfields. Exact locations to be determined at a future meeting.


 14. To resolve to approve the draft budget 2020/2021 and the Parish Council’s precept setting 2020/21 for submission to District Council by due date. After much discussion Clr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Driffill that the revised budget in front of members should be approved and the precept set at £16,300 an increase of 4.79%. Unanimously resolved on a show of hands. Clerk to complete paperwork and send to NKDC by the due date Cllr Mrs Graham left the meeting at this point.

15. Highways matters

a) To receive Speed Indicator Device (SID) report from latest location and consider remedial action. Noted

b) Update from Cllr Roe on speed Indicator Device suggested alternative location. The next location will be in the vicinity of the school and then onto Long Lane. Noted


16. Correspondence.

a) Copy of anonymous email sent to LCC Highways re: inconsiderate parking at Thorpe Lane. Agreed that in accordance with the correspondence policy anonymous communications will not be responded to.

b) Invitation from Chairman of NKDC to Charity Quiz Night on Friday 31st January 2020. Noted

c) Request to support the Local Electricity Bill. Noted /no action

d) Email from Cllr Mary Green asking for feedback from communities as to her support of the local community. Noted & agreed that her regular reports either in writing or in person are effective


17. Nominations for LALC Training. No nominations at this time. Agenda item February 2020.


18. Chairman’s report. Cllr Mrs Whittaker advised that she has a limited supply of adhesive signs to attach to wheelie bins encouraging motorists to reduce their speed to 30mph. To be distributed by members of council where they might have some effect.


19. Clerk’s report. Email re: ward boundaries for NK response by 16th March 2020. Recommending no change in number of councillors of 43 but now inviting proposals to help draw up a pattern of wards to accommodate 43 councillors. Received too late to be agenda item so deferred until next meeting in February. Agenda item February 2020

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Gov. Neighbourhood Planning research questionnaire sent to SHPC for response online by 15th Jan 2020. Inviting us to pass on to someone we felt to be more equipped to respond. Referred to Joint Planning and email sent to Matthew Wargent of Reading University who is conducting the research on behalf of MHCLG advising of this. Street numbering Nine Oaks, Boundary Lane. Letter from NKDC noted but queried as it has always been known as this address. NKDC confirms that the address hasn’t changed it has just been formally recognised for benefit of Post Office and other services including this council.


20. Parish Councillor’s reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Cllr Roe reported that the next Councillor Surgery will take place at Fen Lane on Saturday 25th January 9.30am onwards. Noted


21. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following confidential items. There were no matters to discuss under this heading.


Date and Time of Next meetings –Parish Council Meeting Weds 12th February 2020 7.00pm.


There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.