April 2019 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/SouthHykeham


Minutes of the April meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at 7.10 pm in South Hykeham Village Hall. The meeting followed on from the Annual Parish meeting earlier.


Present: Councillors: Mrs Whittaker Chairman, Mrs D Locker, P Driffill, D Rowson, Mrs L Graham Carolyn Wilkinson, Clerk. Cllr M Thompson LCC, Cllrs Mrs P Woodman and Mrs S Howe NKDC.


In attendance:, There were no members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Public Forum: No public forum as there were no members of the public present.


Action notes


1. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Apologies had been received from the Police Beat Team and Phil Watt of Access Lincoln. Apologies and reasons for absence had been given by Cllr Roe. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham that the reasons for absence should be accepted.


2. To receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider members’ written dispensation requests. There were no declarations of interest at this point.


3. Police Report In the absence of the police there was no report.


4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th March 2019 to be approved as the minutes of the meeting. Cllr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Driffill that the clerk’s notes should be adopted as the minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2019. It was unanimously resolved by those present at that meeting that the clerk’s notes should be approved as the minutes. Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the minutes.


5. Bridleway N Hykeham 2 improvements between Ascot Way and Mill Lane.

a) Update on progress with the upgrading of the public bridleway. Confirmation has been received from Procurement Lincs that they are working on producing the tender documents and strategy for the project.

b) Update on the arrangements for the administration of the tender process. Once the tender documents and strategy have been drafted they will be presented to the Parish Council for approval prior to inviting tenders from potential contractors.


6. District and County Councillors’ reports – for information only. Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Cllr Thompson LCC reported on the Healthy Conversations Initiative which is a discussion about what, and how, we need to change to ensure that our health, and health service is fit for the future. There are a series of initial engagement events being hosted throughout the County during the year which public are invited to contribute to. They continue from the Sustainability and Transformation Plan, ST Partnership, Acute Services Review and the NHS Long Term Plan put out by the Government in January. The announcements were considered at the Lincolnshire Health Scrutiny meeting on 20th March. Events have so far taken place in Boston, Skegness, Louth and Grantham with dates for Lincoln, Gainsborough and other locations awaited. A reminder was given by the NKDC councillors of the Voter ID initiative which is being trialled at the next election on 2nd May and which has been widely publicized. Collection of cycle routes which are downloadable from the GoExplore App. There is a Walking Festival taking place at Hill Holt Wood in July. Nominations are currently being taken for the 10 categories of Community Champion Awards. Council tax bills have been sent out and there has been a 3.1% increase in Council Tax this year.


7. Finance

a) To approve the payment of accounts for April 2019. Cllr Mrs Graham proposed that the payment of accounts should be approved. Cllr Mrs Locker seconded the motion. It was unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.



C. Wilkinson Salary & travelling £621.00 £626.45 Petty cash reimbursement £5.45 (BACs payment 03/04/19)

HMRC Tax & NICs £52.20 (cheque no. 100538 03/04/19)

Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £10.00 (Direct debit 21st Apr 2019)

LALC Annual Subscription £266.96 (BACs payment 03/04/19)

LALC Annual Training Subscription £108.00 (BACs payment 03/04/19)

Total payments £1,063.61



NKDC Precept 2019/20 £14,850.00 (BACS) 01/04/19)

Total income £14,850.00


b) To resolve to approve the revised grant application policy and associated documents. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved that the revised grant application policy and associated documents should be adopted.

c) To resolve to approve the Parish Council’s unaudited accounts for 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019. Proposed Cllr Mrs Locker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved that the Parish Council’s unaudited accounts for 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 as presented to Council at this meeting should be adopted.

d) Arrangements for Annual Return 2018/19 PKF Littlejohn. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved that the Parish Council arrangements for the Annual Return for 2018/19 as detailed by PKF Littlejohn should be received and that the Parish Council should confirm itself as exempt from a limited assurance review under Section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. Unanimously resolved on a show of hands. Clerk to complete & submit the necessary documents


8. To consider LCC Highways matters new and outstanding. The Clerk confirmed that Rowan Smith of LCC Highways had contacted her with regard to the request for the school safety zone and review of traffic calming measures at the South Hykeham Primary School. He had reaffirmed the need for the support of County Councillor Mrs Overton before it could be further progressed. There had been no response to the emails sent requesting support and after much discussion it was agreed that a letter should be sent to Cllr Mrs Overton. Clerk to write Cllr Mrs Locker reported that the carriageway between Haddington and Thurlby was in a particularly bad condition especially where there were overhanging trees. There are also similar problems beween South Hykeham Road and Thurlby. Clerk to report to LCC


9. Speed Indicator Device

a) To receive latest Speed Indicator Device report from latest location and agree remedial action. No report available for this meeting due to absence of Cllr Roe. Defer to next meeting

b) To consider concerns raised by parishioners over speeding/parking and traffic issues. No report available for this meeting due to absence of Cllr Roe. Defer to next meeting


10. District and Parish Council Elections Thursday 2nd May 2019. Nothing new to report at this time. Cllrs Mrs Howe and Mrs Woodman left the meeting at this point.


11. To consider the adoption of the new Code of Conduct for Members with effect from 7th May 2019. Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved that the Code of Conduct for Members already circulated to members should be adopted with effect from 7th May 2019. Clerk to notify NKDC


12. To consider quotes for binding of loose leaf Parish Council minutes for deposit in LCC Archives. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved that the Clerk should be given a budget of up to £150 in order to have the minutes bound and deposited in LCC Archives for safekeeping. Clerk to arrange


13. To approve funds to publish a leaflet/newsletter to improve engagement with parishioners. Deferred to next meeting/agenda item


14. Correspondence.

a) Email enquiry requesting information on purchase of suitable land for a community wood. After some discussion it was resolved that as the Parish Council has no knowledge or records relating to ownership of land, that this and any future enquiries of a similar nature the Clerk should respond accordingly advising interested parties to contact Land Registry. Clerk to advise accordingly


15. Chairman’s report. No report.


16. Clerk’s report. Email forwarded from NHTC re: damaged fencing at Buttercup Close adjacent to the green space in management of NHTC. This is a private civil matter between the complainant and NHTC and is nothing to do with SHPC who have no ownership or interest in this land. Noted Fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day 3rd Sept 2019. No action/noted


17. Parish Councillors reports- for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. No matters to discuss.


18. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 No matters to be dealt with under this heading.


Date and Time of Next meetings – Full Council 15th May 2019 7.00pm.


There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 7.55pm.