September 2019 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson


Minutes of the September meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 7.00 pm in South Hykeham Village Hall.


Present: Councillors: Mrs Whittaker Chairman, Mrs L Graham P Driffill, D Rowson, S Roe. Carolyn Wilkinson, Clerk. Cllr C Spray NKDC.


In Attendance: There were no members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Public Forum: There was no public forum as there were no public present.


Action notes


1. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Apologies had been received from Cllr Mary Green NKDC and Cllr M Thompson LCC who were both attending previous engagements this evening. Apologies had also been received from the Police Beat Team and Philip Watt Access Lincoln.


2. To receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider members’ written dispensation requests. There were no declarations of interest at this point.


3. Police Report In the absence of the police there was no report.


4. Bridleway N Hykeham 2 improvements between Ascot Way and Mill Lane.

a) Update from Phil Watt of Access Lincoln. Phil had sent a written report which had been copied to all members of council prior to the meeting. The undertaking of the work required for the upgrading of the Bridleway to be carried out by LCC has been agreed in principle and has been seen by their Assistant Director. The paper has yet to be presented to the Directorate Leadership Team (DLT) for final sign off, however, it is understood that this will be the final sign off required. Due to summer holidays and agenda pressures the paper is due to be presented to DLT on October 11th. In anticipation of getting the work started Phil has already consulted with an engineering resource from their Technical Services Partnership (TSP). This person designed and implemented the upgraded Footpath in Hartsholme Park so has plenty of experience in the type of work that is required for the bridleway. Phil has now terminated the work undertaken by Procurement Lincolnshire and has paid the fee due to them for their earlier work with the Parish Council. The Parish Council will not be expected to absorb the fee. Some promising news has been received from the Department for Transport with the possibility that Access Lincoln will continue for another year as a "roll over" project. If this is confirmed it may give some further leeway to extend the deadline in the event of any obstacles that need to be overcome but from an internal perspective the deadline remains March 31st 2020 for completion of the project. Noted

b) Email guidance from Parish Council insurer in relation to this project. The Insurer has advised that as the Parish Council will be engaging the services of a contractor to deliver the works that the terms of the project should make the contractor responsible for possession of Employers and Public Liability Insurance and proof of such cover should be obtained. In addition if there is a risk of loss or damage to plant and machinery together with fixed and unfixed materials during the project the insurer would expect the contractor to be covered for during the works. Noted


5. District and County Councillors’ reports – for information only. Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Cllr Green NKDC had provided a written report prior to the meeting which had been circulated to all members of the Council. The report advised that plans for a new HQ for Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance have been submitted to relocate the Charity near RAF Waddington. The proposed site would see the Charity’s head office move to land near the airbase on the A15 Sleaford road. NKDC would buy the land for the Charity from the MOD - the current owners. The proposals would provide an air operations facility as well as office space for staff and volunteers to work. A grant of £1.8m was recently awarded to the Charity by the Dept for Health & Social Care to help fund the project. St Modwen Park at Witham St Hughs has completed a deal to bring an international ice cream and confectionary distributor to the site. They will be occupying a 64,000 sq ft unit on a 10 year lease. It will be NIC’s central UK depot - creating 10 jobs in the area. This deal follows the news that DHL the German logistics company is occupying 32,000 sq ft of space on the site on a 15 year lease. NKDC is looking at investing £2.2m for a workspace development at Discovery Park North Hykeham. This latest scheme would possibly develop 20,000 sq ft of industrial development for 14 units ranging in size from 750 sq ft to 3,000 sq ft. Over 7,500 homes in NK, Boston and South Holland will take part in a year long trial from this autumn, run by the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership. The trial involves a separate paper & cardboard collection aiming to improve the quality of recycling by avoiding contamination by other items in recycling bins and bags. Those households involved in the trial have been notified. NKDC has awarded a grant of £5,000 to the Friends of Metheringham Airfield - the money is for a project to build a hangar for the group’s World War II Dakota aircraft. Without cover the aircraft was slowly deteriorating making it difficult to maintain in good condition given its age. Lincolnshire’s aviation heritage is a large draw for tourists visiting the county. Cllr Spray NKDC advised that there is currently a cross party discussion on the environment with a Green Event taking place at Bassingham on 21st September 2pm – 5pm. There has been a successful prosecution with a fine of £940 levied on the offender who was flytipping at Martin. There has been a large fire at the Leadenham former waste disposal site which was tackled by several fire appliances. A reminder was given of Heritage Open Days taking place throughout the County from 13th to 22nd September 2019. Cllr Roe NKDC and LCC, reported that there had been a recent arrest by police at Tiber Road where the offender had attempted to mug someone and had initially been apprehended by residents until the arrival of the police. There have been some changes to the policing in the area with PCSO Penny Linden retiring. Cllr Roe reported on the Local Government Boundary Commission for England forthcoming electoral review of NKDC and has written to Cllr Richard Wright of NKDC asking that the group considers combining North and South Hykeham. At the moment South Hykeham is an add-on to Bassingham and Brant Broughton and the councillors for that ward have very little connection with South Hykeham. On the other hand North and South Hykeham councils have a joint Neighbourhood Plan, Planning Committee and Councillor Clinics. South Hykeham Parish Council engages the services of NHTC to litter pick and grass cut Beechcroft on its behalf and South Hykeham PC is currently engaged in facilitating the improvement of the bridleway between North and South Hykeham giving better access between the Hykeham communities. North and South Hykeham have more in common through these and several other joint initiatives and through current representation by the Chairman of South Hykeham Parish as a North Kesteven District Councillor and Cllr Roe who represents parts of North and South Hykeham on the County Council. Members agreed that this would make more sense for North and South Hykeham to be amalgamated in a future Electoral Review. Cllr Roe reported that the millionth ton of recycling has recently been processed at the Energy from Waste facility in North Hykeham. Since opening the EfW has reduced the amount of waste from the county going to landfill by around 93% which has been converted into enough energy to 29,000 homes across the county.


6. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th July 2019 to be approved as the minutes of the meeting. Cllr Driffill proposed, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham that the clerk’s notes should be adopted as the minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2019. It was unanimously resolved by those present at that meeting that the clerk’s notes should be approved as the minutes. Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the minutes.


7. To consider expressions of interest for Parish Council vacancies (2) Danker Ward and fill by co-option. There had been no expressions of interest despite the vacancies being advertised in the school newsletter, on the website and on the noticeboards. It was agreed to continue advertising. NKDC had indicated that whilst the District Council has discretionary powers to appoint someone to the council after 35days it would not wish to exercise these for a quorate council. The Clerk has also devised an application form which will be available at the next joint council surgery to hand out to encourage interest in applying to join the council. Clerk to continue advertising vacancies


8. Finance

a) To resolve to approve the contribution towards the publication and distribution of a leaflet promoting improved engagement with parishioners at councillor surgeries. It was reported that once again the leaflet has not been distributed anywhere in South Hykeham and there have also been areas of North Hykeham that have been omitted too. After much discussion Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that the matter should be deferred and brought back as an agenda item for the October meeting once further investigations have taken place. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously agreed. Defer to next meeting/agenda item

b) Albert Medley Account – to approve the payment of interest accrued on account between St Michaels and All Angels Church and Parish Council in compliance with terms of the will. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Roe and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of interest accrued on the account should be shared equally in compliance with the terms of the will. Clerk to write covering letter to be sent with the cheque c) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for August/September 2019.



LALC Local Council Explained (publication purchase) £23.47 (BACs payment 09/08/19)

LALC Chair and Clerk training £21.60 £57.60 Networking day £36.00 (BACs payment 09/08/19)

C. Wilkinson Salary £637.95 (BACs payment 09/08/19)

HMRC Tax & NICs (£52.40 less £7.00 account in credit) £45.40 (cheque no. 100542 09/08/2019)

Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £10.00 (Direct debit 21st Aug 2019)

P Whittaker Travelling expenses £5.85 (cheque no. 100543 09/08/2019)

St Michaels’s and All Angels Interest accumulated from Albert Medley acc. £8.83 (£8.82 to Parish Council as per terms of the will) (cheque no. 100544 09/08/2019)

LALC LALC News hardcopies £6.00 (BACS 11/09/19)

C. Wilkinson Salary £621.00 (BACs payment 11/09/19)

HMRC Tax & NICs £52.20 (cheque no. 100545 11/09/19)

Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £10.00 (Direct debit 21st Sept 2019)

Total payments £1,478.30


Proposed Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.


9. Highways.

a) To receive Speed Indicator Device (SID) report from latest location and consider remedial action. Cllr Roe reported that the SID will be at Long Lane next and then back to Newark Road. After some discussion it was agreed that the locations should be reviewed as necessary and Cllr Roe will carry out some investigations to ascertain whether or not there is an alternative position that may be more effective in contributing towards traffic calming. Agenda item for next meeting

b) To review the rolling programme of locations of SID. Cllr Roe to report back to next meeting re: effectiveness of current locations. Agenda item for next meeting


10. To consider the proposal for Parish Council Annual Community Awards. Deferred to next meeting


11. Councillor Surgeries Update. The next surgery is on Saturday 14th September 1pm to 4pm and will be a different format to the previous surgeries and at a different location, NHTC Civic Offices. Marc Jones the Lincs Police and Crime Commissioner and Dr Caroline Johnson MP for Sleaford and North Hykeham have been invited as guests speakers. The agenda will also include a presentation by NHTC and SHPC covering the Joint Planning Committee and Joint Neighbourhood Plan and the bridleway path resurfacing along with other possible future developments. The January surgery will have Cllr Richard Wright in attendance to talk about the Budget and Cllr Martin Hill will also be in present.


12. To resolve to adopt the South Hykeham Parish Council revised 10 Year Strategy document. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Driffill that the Council should resolve to adopt the revised 10 Year Strategy document. Resolved unanimously on a show of hands.


13. Correspondence.

a) NKDC confirmation of street naming and numbering at new development off Thorpe Lane, S. Hykeham. Noted

b) NKDC letter re: Service Level Agreement – Parish Funding – Litter Picking Grant. Annual report sent to NKDC confirming that litter picking has been carried out as per the Service Level Agreement.


14. Chairman’s report. Cllr Mrs Whittaker reported that the public footpath at Beechcroft is very overgrown again and virtually impassable. Clerk to report to LCC Suggestions for locations of new litterbins to be brought to October meeting. October agenda item


15. Clerk’s report. Email circulated to all about the Audit Code of Practice and the future arrangements for the light touch audit. LALC AGM change of venue to The Bentley, Lincoln 15th October 2019 9am – 3pm. Email from Cllr R Davies circulated to all regarding the outcome of a two year procurement process advising that Balfour Beatty Group Ltd, Clas Lts and WSP UK Ltd have been recommended to deliver highways services for LCC from 1st April 2020.


16. Parish Councillor’s reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. No reports.


17. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following confidential items. No matters to be dealt with under this heading.


Date and Time of Next meetings –Parish Council Meeting Weds 9th October 2019 7.00pm.


There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.