April 2021 Annual Report
South Hykeham Parish Council remote Annual Parish Meeting Weds 14th April 2021 6.30pm convened under The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020
Annual report 5th April 2021
The Speed Indicator Device which was purchased through the Road Safety Partnership Community Speedwatch Initiative has been operating at various locations throughout South Hykeham and has provided some useful evidence of ‘hotspots’ where speed limits are not being observed. Whilst there are no plans at this point in time to extend this initiative the Parish Council has a small reserve of £1,500 should it become apparent that further locations for the SID are necessary and additional costs for signage, posts, brackets etc need to be met.
The Parish Council has a service level agreement with North Hykeham Town Council for up to 10 hours per calendar month of litterpicking at various sites which are regular problem areas and which can safely be attended to within the 30mph speed limit. In addition the Parish Council has formed a voluntary litterpicking service having received grant funding to purchase the equipment for 8 volunteers/council members and a donation from Jenny Bailey at NKDC who has provided litterpicking equipment for a further 6 volunteers/councillors. Unfortunately due to Covid 19 regulations it has only been possible to carry out one litterpick which was very successful with a total of 15 bags of litter that was collected from the top of Boundary Lane, along Newark Road from Pennells to Ascot Way (both sides of the road) and the entire length of the bridleway N Hykeham 2 which extends from Beechcroft to Mill Lane and along Beck Lane. There is a further date scheduled to coincide with the Great Keep Britain Tidy Spring Clean which subject to the Covid 19 restrictions having been lifted will take place on Saturday 12th June 2021 10.30am to 12.30pm. Volunteers and Councillors will congregate at South Hykeham Village Hall where litterpicking and protective equipment will be provided.
Litterbin locations have been reviewed with a new bin to be installed at the Ascot Way end of Beechcroft Woods once permission has been obtained from the landowner. The remaining two held in reserve will be installed when other new locations are identified.
The Parish Council project to improve the surface of the bridleway between Ascot Way and Mill Lane has almost been completed with the final phase between Grandfield Way and Ascot Way to take place imminently. The project was realised through the Council being awarded matched funding through Access Lincoln in addition to the Parish Councils funds of £15,000 set aside for the project, along with the Planning Gains of £27,000 from the Thorpe Lane development. Lincolnshire Co-op also awarded the Parish Council project the sum of £1,267 and named the Parish Council as one of their Community Champions(Environment) The upgraded bridleway is now an all year round, all weather, sustainable access between North and South Hykeham and vice versa.
At the Parish Council meeting of 13th January 2021 after setting the budget for 2020/2021 the Parish Council unanimously agreed to a zero % increase and set the precept at £17,150.99. This equates to £41.28 per annum on a band D property which is the same as last year.
Last year the Parish Council introduced a Community Awards scheme. There are two awards. The South Hykeham Community Award Shield is awarded annually by the Parish Council to the individual, group or organisation from South Hykeham who, or which, the Council considers has rendered the most useful service to the village community in an unpaid capacity.
The South Hykeham Achievement Award is also awarded annually to a young person who has had an outstanding and successful period within their chosen discipline or particular interests. Nominees for this award should be aged 18 years or under and be residents of South Hykeham.
Each of the Shields will be kept by the winner for the period of one year on the understanding that he or she will be responsible for the award and that it will be returned to the Council in the same condition that it is received, at the end of the period, or earlier if the recipient should leave the Parish. Each of the Shields will be engraved annually with the successful recipient’s name and they will receive a framed certificate to keep.
The Parish Council operates a grants and donations scheme to offer some financial support on application to community organisations within the village and other organisations that provide valuable advice and support to South Hykeham Parishioners. For details of the Grants and Donations Policy and application forms/notes please contact the Clerk or the forms may be downloaded from the website. This year only two applications were received from LIVES and Citizen’s Advice Mid Lincs. The Council considered the applications and agreed to award £300 to each organisation to help meet the additional demands that have been made on their services due to Covid 19.
At the offset of the pandemic the Parish Council formed a support group to respond to the needs of anyone in the local community who was shielding or self isolating in South Hykeham and the surrounding area. The Council provided vital support with shopping, collection of prescriptions, welfare visits and a telephone befriending service.
The Council was appointed Lincolnshire Co-operative Society’s approved Community Group for South Hykeham and the wider area and in the main was using the local foodstores and pharmacies on behalf of anyone who required support.
To date the Parish Council has responded to over 60 requests for support and assistance with referrals coming from Wellbeing, local organisations, local residents and/or their relatives who live further afield and were unable to assist in person themselves.
As a result of some grant funding from our Lincolnshire County Councillors it was possible for the Council to assemble some ‘store cupboard essentials’ packs which were distributed to a number of people in the area who were shielding or self isolating. The council was very grateful for this financial support which contributed immensely to the wellbeing of residents who were experiencing a difficult and worrying time.
The Parish Council is very grateful for the support and assistance it has had from Lincolnshire Co-Operative Society’s Newark Road and Hykeham Green foodstores and pharmacies and the Community Team and the Local Police Beat Team and anyone else who was involved in helping to facilitate this very worthwhile service which will continue for as long as it is needed.
It was with great pleasure that the Chairman of the Parish Council Councillor Pam Whittaker was invited by the Camaraderie Club to join in the event to commemorate the 100th birthday of South Hykeham resident World War Two Veteran Bob Sargent. A surprise visit from Look North and other invited guests and family were present in order to mark the occasion. A variety of gifts and over 500 cards from all over the world were presented to Bob who expressed his great surprise and delight at being the recipient of such a lot of attention and good wishes.
CW 06/04/21