April 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


Minutes of the Annual Parish meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council took place on Wednesday 14th April 2021, at 6.30pm.

The remote meeting was convened under The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson

Chairman: Cllr Pam Whittaker Chair of South Hykeham Parish Council Present: Parish Councillors Mrs L Graham, P Driffill, S Roe.

District Councillors Cllr Mary Green. County Councillors Cllr S Roe, M Thompson

J Richardson South Hykeham Community Primary School and Rev P Collins St Michaels & All Angels

1. Apologies for absence. Apologies had been received from Phil Watt AccessLincoln, the Local Police Beat Team, Cllr N Dillon Jones and Cllr D Rowson.

2. Clerk’s notes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 3rd April 2019 to be adopted as the minutes of that meeting. (Annual Parish meeting 2020 was cancelled due to covid 19 restrictions)  Proposed Cllr Driffill, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously approved as a true record of that meeting by those who had been present.

3.   Police Report The police report had been circulated prior to the meeting and the Clerk advised that the current priorities were anti-social behaviour in towns and rural areas. Noted

4.   Reports

a)   Chairman of South Hykeham Parish Council The Chairman made reference to the Annual Parish Council report which had been circulated prior to the meeting and she advised that the Council had been very busy throughout the pandemic providing vital support to parishioners with collecting prescriptions and shopping, making welfare visits and a telephone befriending service. Parish Council business had been transacted on line mainly due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic and meeting remotely convened under the current legislation. Principal authorities were mainly working from home and many staff were self isolating themselves.

b)   District Councillor reports Cllr Green had produced a written report for this evening which had been circulated prior to the meeting and asked if there were any questions. She advised that Covid test kits were available for collection from the Lincolnshire Showground and test results should be reported online or through the NHS App.

c)   County Councillor reports Cllr Thompson had produced a written report for the meeting which had been circulated.  He advised tht Lincs CC is now in the pre-election period before the election of a new full council on 6th May. Whilst postal votes have been encouraged polling station will still be open under covid safe conditions.

Cllr Thompson hoped that his report gave an indication of how the County Council has continued working over the last year. There have been serious effects on how this has been achieved due to Covid restrictions but opportunities have been found with officers and staff adapting to the challenges with essential services being maintained with additional community support. Noted

d)   Village Organisation reports

Rev Collins reported that it had become very apparent that there was a real issue with loneliness and isolation amongst the elderly in particular which had been exacerbated by the restrictions imposed as a result of Covid. He reported that the ‘Knit and Natter’ initiative had worked well and it was hoped that similar initiatives would help alleviate the problem of isolation. The Parish Council would think about how it might be able to assist with supporting similar initiatives in the future once the lockdown restrictions were lifted.

The Headteacher John Richardson advised that the children were being tutored online learning but that nothing replaced or equaled face to face teaching and learning.

5.   South Hykeham Parish Council’s 10 Year Strategy.

The Parish Council has reviewed the 10 Year Strategy and has included some new projects and initiatives now that the Bridleway reinstatement project is nearing completion. The Parish Council is seeking to stage some community events and to improve upon its interaction and consultation with parishioners. There are plans to invite local representatives to join the working party and to bring new ideas forwards and to form working partnerships.

6.   Parish Council Grants and Donations 2020/21

The Parish Council has set aside £600 in the budget for awarding grants or donations to financially support community organisations within the village and other organisations that provide valuable advice and life changing support to South Hykeham Parishioners.

This year the Council has awarded grants of £300 each to LIVEs and Citizens Advice.

7.   Finance Report 2020/21

The Clerk had prepared a financial statement and budget report and balance sheet for the year ended 31st March 2021 which had been circulated prior to the meeting and was on the Council website. The Clerk had taken the Parish Council accounts and supporting documents to the internal auditor and had also met with her remotely.

The Auditor had reported that all was in order and that she was pleased to confirm that the Council’s accounts and financial matters are well managed.

The external auditor has set the date for the completion and submission of the Council’s Annual Return for

8.   Update on project to complete the improved surface of the Public Bridleway North Hykeham 2 between Ascot Way and Mill Lane.

The order for a barrier to be installed at the Mill Lane end of the bridleway has been placed by AccessLincoln. At the same time the contractor will be completing some outstanding remedial work to the bridleway and is being pressed for completion. The upgrade to the remaining section of the bridleway between Grandfield Way and Ascot Way is with the Rights of Way Team as the path needs to be slightly rerouted and conversations are currently taking place to resolve this. Due to the complexity of this matter completion of the final section is likely to be a medium term project.

9. Parishioner’s Open Forum and Questions As there were no members of the Public present there were no matters to be discussed.

The meeting closed at 6.55pm.