January 2021 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson

Minutes of the January  meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 13th January  2021 at 7.00 pm held remotely and convened under The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.

PRESENT: Councillors: Mrs P Whittaker (Chairperson),  Mrs L Graham,  P Driffill, and S Roe.

Carolyn Wilkinson, Clerk.  

IN ATTENDANCE:  Cllrs M Thompson LCC, Cllr Mary Green NKDC, Cllr Marianne Overton LCC/NKDC  were in attendance.

Public Forum:    There was no public forum as there were no public in attendance.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given.

Apologies had been received from Cllrs D Rowson and Mrs N Dillon-Jones.

Cllr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the reasons for absence should be accepted.

Apologies had also been received from the Police Beat Team and Phil Watt AccessLIncoln

2. To resolve to receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member’s written dispensation requests.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

3.  Notes of the remote Parish Council meeting held on 11th November 2020 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting.

Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved on a show of hands by those present at the last meeting that the Clerk’s notes should be approved as the minutes of the meeting held on 11th November  2020.

Cllr Driffill arrived at this point.

4. County and District Councillors reports  for information only.  Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.

Cllr Mary Green had sent a report in December which had been circulated to all members.  Cllr Green reminded members of the NKDC cycling strategy consultation.   She also advised that the Police Beat team had been warning of a spate of break-ins of outbuildings and warned of the need to be vigilant.  There is also an increase in the report of internet and telephone scams.

Cllr Mike Thompson reported there is a booking system in operation at the waste recycling centre. He reminded members of the need to report matters on Fix My Street which is currently very busy and there may be some delays in communications as a result.  He advised that there is a streetlight out at the end of Thorpe Lane which he has reported himself.

Information circulated by LCC on business support grants which are accessible through NKDC.

He advised that the National Track and Trace Programme are being supported by LCC who are sending out track and trace postcards for people they are struggling to reach. If the LCC Health Protection Team and CSC are unable to contact someone by telephone they will be sent a postcard which is legitimate though there has been some concern amongst some recipients as to whether or not it is a scam. Cllr Thompson has advised that the person contacts the phone number on the card.

Cllr Roe gave an update on the proposal for the reduction to 30mph on Newark Road which will be subject to consultation for the whole stretch of Newark Road.  There is a lot of proposed improvement to cycling and  walking initiatives which will also be consulted upon.

He reported that there is a good response to the repair of reported potholes which are generally being fixed within a matter of days.

5. Police report.

In the absence of the Police Beat Team a written report had been circulated.

The priority of tackling anti-social behaviour on public open spaces in North Hykeham and the rural villages remains.   Advice to ensure outbuildings are secured due to a spate of break ins was given.

6. Bridleway N Hykeham 2 improvements between Ascot Way and Mill Lane update.     Work is well under way on the bridleway and overall most people are pleased with it.  Phil Watt had advised that he has spoken to the British Horse Society and has offered to involve them in the cycling and walking network plan discussions in the future.  Highways Officers are in discussions for the continuation  of the final stage of the bridleway between Grandfield Way and Ascot Way.

7.  To consider a response to the Code of Conduct Consultation extended deadline to 15th January 2021.  Deferred to the end of the meeting.

Clerk to submit agreed response                                                                                                                                                            

8. Members annual review of Disclosure of Pecuniary and other Interests.

Members reminded of the importance of reviewing their DPI at least every 6 months to ensure it is current and to send to NKDC via the Clerk who will retain a copy on Council’s file.  The new DPI form has been circulated to all by Clerk along with the email from the Monitoring Officer NKDC advising of new DPI form and other matters regarding advertising vacancies etc. Clerk to forward each members current DPI to them for checking and amendment if necessary

9.  Finance

(Cllrs Green and Thompson left the meeting at this  point as they had other meetings to attend).

a) To approve the renewal of annual Data Protection registration. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously approved on a show of hands.

Clerk to renew

b)  To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for December 2020/ January 2021.

Proposed by Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts for December  2020/January 2021 should be approved.

Payments (December 2020)
R Popplewell Internal audit £37.50 (BACS 09/12/20)
C. Wilkinson Salary £632.00 (BACS 09/12/20)
C Wilkinson Reimb petty cash (book tokens) £30.00 (BACS 09/12/20)
HMRC Tax & NICS £59.84 (debit card 09/12/20)
Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £6.00 (Direct debit 21st Dec2020)
Total payment £756.34  
Payments (January 2021)
NHTC Litterpicking Sept – November (£165.00) £225.00 (BACS 13/01/21)
Grasscutting Beechcroft (£60.00)
C. Wilkinson Salary £632.00 (BACS 13/01/21)
HMRC Tax & NICS £59.84 (debit card 05/01/21)
Information Commissioner Data Protection Fee (ICO 00015284195) £40.00 (BACS 13/01/21)
Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £6.00 (Direct debit 21st Jan  2021)
Total payments £962.84  
Barclays Interest £1.49 (BACS  7/12/20)
Total income   £1.49  

10. To consider the award of annual grants/donations 2021/22. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Mrs Whittaker and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the award of annual grants and donations 2021/22 should be provided for in the 2021/22 budget.

11. To consider the renewal of annual subscription for LALC membership 2021/22. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the annual subscription for LALC membership  should be provided for in the 2021/22 budget.

12. To consider the renewal of annual subscription for LALC training scheme 2021/2022.  Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Driffill  and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the annual subscription for LALC Training Scheme  should be provided for in the 2021/22 budget.

13. Precept 2021/22.

a) To consider proposals for projects to be included in budget in preparation for 2021/22 precept.   No proposals for projects were put forward at this point.  Agreed to wait for completion of bridleway project before embarking on any other projects.

b). To consider the effectiveness of Joint Planning Committee and make financial provision for admin. costs.  Members of the planning committee advised that the joint committee is working well and that financial provision should be made in the budget for administration costs.   Proposed Cllr Driffill, seconded by Cllr Roe  and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that financial provision should be provided for in the budget.                                                                                                                                                               
c)To resolve to approve the draft budget 2021/2022 and the Parish Council’s precept 2021/22.

After much discussion it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Driffill  and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the precept should be set at £17,150.99 as indicated on the working calculator print out in front of members this evening.

Clerk to submit form to NKDC

14. Update on LCC Highways initiatives to improve safety at South Hykeham Community Primary School.   This matter is ongoing and will be chased up by Cllr Roe when he has a meeting with Highways Officers at Manor Farm estate.

Cllr Mrs Graham left the meeting at this point for work

15. Highways matters:-

a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe.   Cllr Roe has been asked to provide Speed Indicator reports for the 30mph speed limit proposal on Newark Road to Phil Watt of Access Lincoln.  Council agreed they are happy for those reports to be shared.  Cllr Roe will also have a report from Road Safety Partnership to present at the February meeting of council.

b) Outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention.    None.

16. Litterpicking and grasscutting reports.

a) To consider the programme of future litterpick dates during Covid 19 lockdown period.

Cancelled until Covid 19 restrictions are lifted.

b) Parish Council litterpicking poster competition update.   Two prizewinners have been selected and book tokens will be delivered to the headteacher by Cllr Mrs Whittaker so that he can present the book tokens to them on behalf of the Parish Council.   The Parish Council is unable to present them in person due to Covid 19 restrictions not allowing visitors in school.

17. To consider proposal from LCC Highways officer re: Highways contribution 13/1464/FUL Land at Thorpe Lane and installation of pedestrian crossing/upgraded bus shelter at Thorpe Lane, South Hykeham.  No follow up to this proposal made in November by the Highways Officer has been received.  Cllr Thompson has been involved in the discussions with Joe Phillips the Highways Officer but has had no further update on this item.  Clerk to send s106 information relating to this to Cllr Roe who will pursue with the Highways Officer on behalf of the Parish Council.

Cllr Roe to pursue the matter of the unclaimed s106 planning gains (highways element) on behalf of the Parish Council

18. Response from landowner re: Land at Beechcroft Close in ownership of developer and maintained by South Hykeham Parish Council.

Cllr Roe will follow up and bring to next meeting

19. NKDC Cycling Strategy Consultation to agree a response.      Deferred to the end of the meeting.

Clerk to submit agreed response

20.  Chairman’s report.

Cllr Mrs Whittaker reported that the turning circle at the end of Thorpe Lane has been badly damaged by building works traffic driving across it.  She has asked Cllr Roe if LCC will reinstate it or ask the builders to make good the damage once the building work is complete.

The Chairman took the Community Award plaque to Ms Connie Mumby along with her gift token before the latest lockdown and presented it in a socially distanced manner.   The recipient was very grateful to the Council for having selected her as this year’s recipient of the award.    The Clerk had presented the Achievement Award to Harry Talbot who had been nominated by his school.

21.  Clerk’s report.   Local Government Boundary Commission - NKDC Electoral Review update – Final recommendations for NKDC have been published and must now be approved by Parliament.  The draft order wil now be laid before parliament and the new electoral arrangements for NK will implemented at local elections in 2023. Email sent to all.

Email from newly formed Safer Together Team recently established by the Police and Crime Commissioner.  Email forwarded to all.


2022-2023 Lincs Schools Admissions Policy Consultation 18 Dec t0 30 Jan 2021.  Proposed amendments to N Hykeham Sir Robert Pattinson Academy.


Community Awards 2021/22  The Clerk will shortly be sending out the nomination forms for the Community Awards to all village organisations, schools etc as in the previous year.  Gift tokens will be purchased as before for each of the successful recipients and a framed certificate given to them to keep along with being the holder of the trophy for the ensuing year.


22.  Parish Councillor’s reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.

Cllr Roe suggested that the Parish Council purchase a tablet with a Data SIM for future Parish Council use and in the first instance to facilitate Cllr Rowson being able to participate in remote meetings during the current restrictions due to Covid 19.    It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Graham should be asked to investigate various suitable options as she had looked into the Parish Council mobile phone contract.

Clerk to contact Cllr Mrs Graham

Cllr Mrs Overton joined the meeting at this point and gave her report.

She had attended a meeting with Derek Ward the Public Health director who had reported that Lincs had very high numbers of reported cases. Reminder of the importance of complying with social distancing, handwashing etc. 50% of transmission is through retail.

There are concerns about an increase in mental health issues and there is a helpline available offering support.  A funding bid has been submitted to assist its work.

There had been a Highways meeting scheduled for today to look at longer term issues and initiatives but it had been cancelled. In the meantime a reminder to keep reporting issues on Fix My Street.

Cllr Mrs Overton had also sent her email reports which had been circulated to all prior to this meeting.

Cllr Mrs Overton left the meeting at this point.

Members completed the consultations deferred from earlier in the evening.

23. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the  Local Government Act  1972 for confidential items.     There were no matters to discuss under this heading.                                                                           

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at  8.50pm

Date and Time of Next meeting –Parish Council Meeting Weds 10th February 2021 7pm.