August 2020 Notes

Page 10 August 20/21 Action notes


Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson


Clerk’s notes of the August meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 5th August 2020 at 7.00 pm held remotely and convened under The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.


Present: Councillors: Mrs Whittaker, (Chairperson), Mrs L Graham, D Rowson, S Roe, Carolyn Wilkinson, Clerk.


In Attendance: Cllr M Thompson LCC and Jeanette Holden of Lincs YMCA. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Public Forum: There was no public forum as there were no public in attendance.


1. Apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given. Apologies had been received from Cllr Driffill and Cllr N Dillon-Jones. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham that the reasons for absence were received. Apologies had also been received from the Police Beat Team, Cllr Spray NKDC and Cllr Green NKDC.


2. To resolve to receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member’s written dispensation requests. There were no declarations of interest at this point.


3. Notes of the remote Parish Council meeting held on 8th July 2020 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously approved on a show of hands by those present at the last meeting that the Clerk’s notes should be approved as the minutes of that meeting.


4. Bridleway N Hykeham 2 improvements between Ascot Way and Mill Lane report from Phil Watt AccessLincoln. In the absence of Phil Watt there was no report on the progress of the bridleway improvements though it was noted that the temporary restriction notice for the Bridleway Closure dates are 20th July to 28th August 2020. As yet there is no sign of any notices advising of diversion routes or vehicular/pedestrian access so the work does not appear to be imminent. The Clerk had queried the closure notice with Phil as it indicated that the restrictions are only between Grandfield Way and Mill Lane. Phil had confirmed that the work will commence at Mill Lane and work backwards to Ascot Way and that the appropriate permissions for Mill Lane to Ascot Way have been applied for. Clerk has confirmed with resident who queried why the Ascot Way to Grandfield Way did not appear on the restriction notice


5. To approve the revised schedule of meeting dates following advice from NALC and Society of Local Council Clerks that Parish and Town Councils continue to meet remotely in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham seconded by Cllr Roe and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the revised schedule of meeting dates to be held remotely should be approved. Publicise on website/ noticeboards


6. Good Neighbour Scheme Initiative presentation by Project Officer Jeanette Holden. The Chairman welcomed Jeanette to the meeting. The information and leaflet about the scheme had been copied to all members of the Council prior to this meeting. Jeanette gave a brief overview of the scheme and what assistance they could offer the Parish Council. The Chairman thanked Jeanette for her presentation but it was felt at this point in time that the Parish Council is not in a position to be able to set up and administer a Good Neighbour Scheme and hasn’t seen any evidence that South Hykeham Parishioners would need it as their own communities have supported them along with the Parish Council. Details to be kept on file until such a time as there is a need to contact YMCA Lincs/Community Lincs should the situation change Jeanette left the meeting at this point.


7. Finance

a) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for August 2020.


Land Registry Search on land ownership at Beechcroft £6.00 (Debit card 23/07/20)

C. Wilkinson Salary £617.20 (BACs 05/08/20)

HMRC Tax & NICs £56.00 (debit card 5th Aug 2020)

Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £6.00 (Direct debit 21st August 2020)

Total payments £685.20



NKDC Interest on s106 payment (13/464) £128.10 (BACS 1st August 2020)

Total income £128.10


Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.


8. To approve the revised Financial Regulations. Deferred to next meeting.


9. To consider the quotes for a Parish Council WCAG compliant website. The Clerk has attended the LCC training but still feels unable to manage the transfer of content from current website to the new website during her contracted hours. The Clerk doesn’t have the necessary IT skills in web building to be confident in setting up the website from the blank template and achieving the transfer to the new site by the date set for compliance of 24th September 2020 and the shutdown by LCC of the current website at the end of December. Quotes for a completely new website hosted and with a support package were on the table from a company advertising in the SLCC publication offering a preferential rate for member councils. There was also a quote from a more local business for the transfer of the content of current site to new site with some training and support on managing and uploading to the website until the Clerk is confident in managing the updating herself. The Clerk had attempted to get 3 quotes and had contacted NHTC for information about their IT web manager and had some sample figures from their supplier. She had also contacted 4 other local IT companies. Two of them had advised that they don’t do websites and there had been no response from the other two. Cllr Roe proposed that the quote from Intellitech for the initial setting up and transfer of content to the new website with additional support on how to convert documents and add to the new website so they meet the accessibility regulations should be accepted. Cllr Mrs Graham seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. Clerk to arrange/clerk has booked to attend LCC training again


10. Highways matters:-

a) Enquiry from parishioner regarding the introduction of a speed reduction scheme along Newark Road, South Hykeham. Update from Cllr Roe. He had spoken to the parishioner but in the meantime had been advised by LCC that some additional funding has been allocated so that the North Hykeham section of Newark Road is now to be reduced to 30mph. He has advised the parishioner accordingly and will see if the speed limit reduction can be applied to South Hykeham section of Newark Road too. He advised that if it is reduced to 30mph on the South Hykeham stretch then the Boundary Lane speed limit could be reduced to 30mph. He has also requested that the current Mill Lane 40mph limit should be reduced to 30 mph. Cllr Roe to report back to next meeting

b) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe. SID is currently located at Thorpe Lane so no report for today. Report for next meeting after the battery has been recharged and and the data is downloaded. Cllr Roe to report to next meeting


11. S106 Planning gains from 18/0220/FUL Clydra, 48, Thorpe Lane, S Hykeham.

a) Update on request for permission to install play equipment on Poppyfields outlined in letter received from NHTC in response. The Parish Council had sought professional guidance on the proposal from NHTC that SHPC should gift the approved play equipment purchased by itself to NHTC once installed according to their specifications. After much discussion it was proposed by Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously approved on a show of hands that SHPC should write to NHTC advising that due to unrecoverable costs for audit/VAT which the council would incur by applying for the Clydra planning gains to install play equipment on NHTC owned land that they no longer felt in a position to be able to progress this proposal. It was suggested that as NHTC was in agreement that play equipment should be installed on their own land at Poppyfields they should be asked to apply for the s106 planning gains themselves. In that event SHPC would not apply to NKDC for the Clydra s106 planning gains if NHTC confirmed they are to be used to install play equipment at Poppyfields. Clerk to write

b) To consider any other projects that may qualify for s106 Planning gains/CIL receipts. CIL receipts should be spent within 5 years of receipt. If they are not, or they are used inappropriately, then the Local Planning Authority (Charging Authority) can recover the monies.

The purpose of the CIL is to fund infrastructure to support local development . Clerk to contact NKDC once suggested projects are identified to see if they meet the brief.

c) Land at Beechcroft in ownership of developer and maintained by South Hykeham Parish Council. The Parish Council has been maintaining the land at Beechcroft Close since the estate was finished as the landowner/developer despite several letters asking them to maintain the land had never responded. Consequently until the Parish Council had intervened the site had become an eyesore. The Clerk had made some enquiries with NKDC about the acquisition of the land in the event of the landowner failing to respond to another letter. Michelle Hoyles had confirmed the contact details of the registered landowner. Proposed that the Clerk sends another letter to landowner requesting they maintain the land


12. Chairman’s report. No report.


13. Clerk’s report. NKDC Consultation on Licensing Act 7th July to 7th Sept 2020 reminder. Police report circulated to all. Prriority remains reassurance patrols relating to COVID19 and associated social distancing. Welcome to Inspector Hillson as new Sector Inspector. Invitation extended to Sgt Whyte and Inspector Hillson to attend a future council meeting. Sgt Whyte is on leave at the moment. Warning about thefts of cycles in Hykeham and Lincoln.

Further updated instructions re: Remote Meetings Legislation. New Legal Briefing L01-20 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and crime Panels (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. Key points are that parish meeting have now been included in the definition of ‘local Authority’ so they can also meeting remotely. Requirement for an Annual Parish meeting to be held this year is disapplied. Some amendments to meeting notice provisions including a requirement to send out details of remote meetings when public notice is given including publishing on the Parish website. August report from Cllr Overton circulated to all along with the attached BusinessNK- COVID 19 newsletter. The Pensions Regulator. The council is due to complete an online declaration of Compliance with the Automatic Enrolment Duties under the Pensions Act 2018. It is reviewed every 3 years. There are no employees that have to be automatically enrolled into a pension scheme though the Clerk may ask to join a scheme. The Clerk has declined to join a council pensions scheme. Clerk to complete online declaration of Compliance with the Automatic Enrolment Duties under the Pensions Act 2018 by due date. The Clerk reported that on the s106 agreement for 13/1464/FUL Thorpe Lane there was a Highways contribution of £19,000 towards a pedestrian crossing point on Newark Road in vicinity of Thorpe Lane. Alternatively: £10,000 towards the upgrading of existing footway/cycleway between Thorpe Lane and Pennells. £4,000 bike hire contribution. £4,500 towards upgrade work on existing bus shelter. £500 to promote sustainable transport. Clerk to contact NKDC to see if the Highways element has been paid to LCC and to investigate how it has been spent Local Government Boundary Commission - NKDC Electoral Review CoVID 19 update. Commissioners are home working and where reviews do not require further external information they are progressing as normal . Effective consultations will be carried out over the coming months. Contact will be maintained with local authorities, parishes and stakeholders. Agenda item for next meeting

NKDC Service Level Agreement – Parish Funding - Litter Picking Grant invitation to apply for funding has been received from NKDC. A report of the last year’s activities has to accompany the report. It was noted that there has been no litter picking charged for since last invoice submitted on 20th March 2020. There should be 5 to 10 hours per month as per service level agreement although the Covid lockdown will have had an impact on the service provided by NHTC. Application for funding and supporting report to be submitted to NKDC by the Clerk Litterpicking/grasscutting to be a standing agenda item.


14. Parish Councillor’s reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. LCC Cllr Mike Thompson’s report had been circulated to all prior to this meeting. Cllr Thompson advised that the ring and report phone number for LCC Highways is 01522 782070. He has a meeting arranged with the Highways maintenance team. Please refer any issues to him

Cllr Roe advised that he has written to the Boundary Commission regarding the NKDC wards and is awaiting a response.

Leaders of LCC, North Lincs and N E Lincs have written to the Secretary Of State with a proposal for the formation of two unitary councils (North and South) for Greater Lincolnshire. If the unitary authorities were to come into being the Boundary Review would become irrelevant.


15. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for confidential items. There were no matters to be dealt with under this heading.


Date and Time of Next meetings –remote Parish Council Meeting Weds 9th September 2020 7pm. (Zoom)


There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 7.55pm.



* The Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on 5th August 2020 will be considered by Council at its next meeting on Wednesday 9th September 2020 where they will be scrutinised with a view to being approved as a true record of business transacted and will be adopted as the minutes of that meeting.