November 2018 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson


Minutes of the November meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 14th November 2018 at 7.00 pm. in South Hykeham Village Hall.


Present: Councillors: Mrs Whittaker Chairman, Mrs D Locker, P Driffill, D Rowson, Mrs L Graham, S Roe. Carolyn Wilkinson, Clerk.


In Attendance: Cllr Mrs Howe NKDC. Philip Watt Access Lincoln. There were 2 members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Public Forum: A parishioner who had been invited to attend this Parish Council addressed members regarding an idea he had for a voluntary litterpicking scheme local to South Hykeham. He was suggesting that he carried out some voluntary litterpicking in the Thorpe Lane locality. Members were concerned about his safety and questioned whether or not his insurance would cover him should an incident occur. The gentleman will provide his own litterpicking equipment. Members advised that the gentleman should be aware that he would not be covered by the Parish Council insurance policy as his proposal is for a voluntary initiative unsupported by the Parish Council. The Council advised that they employ the services of North Hykeham Town Council to carry out litterpicking on its behalf where it is safe to do so and that additional litterpicks are carried out by McDonalds on a daily basis and also by North Kesteven District Council as and when requested.

The other parishioner raised highways/grass verge matters in particular parking on grass verges. Cllr Roe in his capacity as a County Councillor advised that this is the responsibility of the Highways Authority, Lincolnshire County Council. He advised that Tiber Road is unadopted but the County Council has offered to pay for the yellow lines to be painted on behalf of the developer. Cllr Roe advised that the Police won’t do anything about vehicles parking on verges/paths unless they are obstructing a wheelchair or pram. The PCSOs have no enforcement powers. He advised the parishioner that if there is an obstruction it needs to be reported to the police who will attend if they are able. Once the road is adopted on completion, Cllr Roe as LCC Highways representative will arrange for the residents to meet with the Highways Officers to consider the improvements. Matters pertaining to this and other Highways matters in South Hykeham the main contact is LCC Councillor Roe. The members of the public left the meeting at this point.


Action notes


1. Apologies for absence and reasons given.


Apologies and reasons for absence had been received from Cllr M Thompson LCC, Cllr Mrs P Woodman NKDC.


2. To receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider members’ written dispensation requests.


There were no declarations of interest at this point.


3. Police Report


In the absence of the police there was no report.


4. District and County Councillors’ reports – for information only. Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.


LCC Cllr Thompson had sent his report which had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting. Social Care – Additional Funding - The government has awarded an additional £3.3 million to help fund community services in Lincolnshire and reduce pressures on the NHS during the winter period. The money is to ensure that delays do not prevent patients from being discharged from hospital to home care when they are clinically ready. Whilst welcoming this announcement the County Council has called for a long term plan for future services. Active Lincolnshire - A conference was recently held by Active Lincolnshire to launch the Lincolnshire Physical Activity Task Force. With concerns about preventable ill health arising from obesity and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle the TaskForce aims to encourage Lincolnshire residents to focus on becoming more active either by engaging in physical activity or by incorporating this into their everyday life. The LCC Winter Service Plan can be accessed at: Gritting routes and Frequently Asked Questions are on the County Council's website at: Advice giving some basic guidance to everyone engaged in snow clearance can be found: NKDC Cllr Mrs Howe gave her report which had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. The Joint Revenue & Benefits Service between Lincoln City Council and NKDC recently won the 2018 IRRV Award, Excellence in Partnership Working. NKDC has also been highly commended for its Women in Housing workforce strategy and earlier this month won the Lincolnshire Sport Active Workplace Award noting physical activity in all walks of life. The Council has been selected by Government as one of a few authorities nationwide to trial voter ID for forthcoming District and parish elections 2019. The Lincolnshire Waste Partnership has placed stickers on waste bins throughout North Kesteven encouraging households to keep recycling clean. Current figures show that more than a quarter of recycling is contaminated and unuseable. Businesses and residents are encouraged to have their say on the NK Plan, setting out the vision and priorities for the Council for the next three years (2022), ensuring the Council and its partners can deliver services and respond to challenges. Heritage Lottery funding of £403,800 has been confirmed for the second stage of restoration of Mrs Smith's Cottage, Navenby to enable the project to continue its development. NKDC has been named the Safest District in the country for the 5th year running. Christmas and New Year bin collection dates will change and bins should be out by 7.30am as collection times vary. Side waste will be collected for the first collection of the black and green-lidded bins after Christmas. Real Christmas trees can be chopped up and placed in a brown bin for collection. Normal bin collections resume effective from 7th January. LCC Cllr Roe gave his report:- £ 13.7 million for road repairs has been awarded which has to be spent by end of March. Social care additional funding awarded an additional £3.3 million. £50 Million towards special needs schools to make them more accessible has been awarded. Upgrading of existing and additional schools outside of Lincoln is to take place. Chevrons at the local school are to be looked at by Highways as some children have injured themselves there by banging their heads on the signs. Cllr Roe has reported it. New Chief Executive at LCC has started - Keith Ireland. Review for planning in County to be carried out – reviewing how they let people know what is coming up with regard to planning. Where there is going to be a large/controversial application coming up awareness needs to be raised.


5. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th October 2018 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting.


Cllr Roe proposed, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham that the clerk’s notes should be adopted as the minutes of the meeting held on 10th October 2018. Unanimously approved on a show of hands with one abstention from the vote as Cllr Mrs Locker had not been present at the meeting. Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the minutes.


6. Projects - North Hykeham 2 Bridleway improvements between Beechcroft Close and Mill Lane, N. Hykeham.


a) Report from meeting with Philip Watt Access Lincoln and proposal for capital support to match fund what the Council has raised for the upgrading of the bridleway. Mr Watt addressed the Council and advised that he leads on the project to encourage people to seek sustainable travel and leave the car at home. He has a revenue pot and a capital fund which is for infrastructure. He is in a position to offer match funding from his capital fund tasked to spend it on tangible and effective benefits. The upgrading of the Bridleway creates a link between the school and the arterial cycle route at Newark Road. Directly adjacent to the path there are 8 houses with children from S Hykeham school. It would offer a traffic free route all the way up to Thorpe Lane. This would help with the parking and he is also working with the school to encourage the use of the path as they are trying to review the school’s travel plan. The only obligation that the Parish Council needs to make at this point is to complete a application grant form. He has been in touch with finance to make sure there is no impediment to awarding the money to South Hykeham Parish Council and has also checked with the public rights of way of people to make sure they are happy with the proposals. He confirmed that LCC will maintain it to a standard but not to an elevated standard. Members reported that there have been issues with the grasscutting as it hasn’t been part of the twice yearly cyclical cut. It will need to be kept cut and the teram should restrict the growth. In terms of the specification Mr Watt would be happy to work with us on that to achieve a higher standard so that it should head off some of the previous issues. Sustrans maintain some of the routes that are traffic free in order to keep the routes clear by volunteers. Community Involvement is in partnership with Lincoln Big – something they could pick up in the future they know the boundary of the area and will be working to carry on with some of the work in the scope. Match funding can stretch to £40 k if that achieves the better spec and Mr Watt will help with speaking to the contractors in order to produce quotes. Proposed Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Mrs Graham and unanimously approved on a show of hands with one abstention from the vote that the Parish Council should accept the offer for match funding and should work in partnership with Access Lincoln in order to effect the upgrading of the bridleway. Cllr Roe abstained from the vote having declared an interest as he is a County Councillor. Mr Watt will make enquiries at LCC about a suitably qualified project leader. It is hoped that someone from Highways Laboratory would carry out the final inspection of the completed project and we would be assigned a lead from TSP who will discuss the technical details and report back to us. Thanks to be given to Jeffery Kenyon NKDC and Elizabeth Hangar of LEADER for their assistance with this project. Mr Watt left at this point.


b) To consider progressing the Kestevens LEADER Fund full application. Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Mrs Locker and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the council will not pursue the LEADER fund application as it is too restrictive. Clerk to advise LEADER Cllr Mrs Howe left the meeting at this point.


7. To consider suggestion by parishioner for a voluntary litterpicking scheme in vicinity of Thorpe Lane.


Already dealt with in Public Forum.


 8. Finance


a) To approve the payment of accounts for November 2018. Cllr Mrs Graham proposed that the payment of accounts should be approved. Cllr Mrs Locker seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.


C. Wilkinson Salary & travelling £534.25 £553.60 Travelling Expenses £19.35 (BACs payment 14/11/2018)

HMRC Tax & NICs £13.40 (cheque no. 100530 14/11//2018)

P Driffill Travelling exps LALC AGM £10.35 (BACs payment 14/11/2018)

Lincs Assoc. of Local Councils LALC AGM Cllrs Whittaker, Driffill & Clerk £30.00 (BACs payment 14/11/2018)

Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £10.00 (Direct debit 21st Nov 2018)

Total payments £617.35



HMRC Refund of overpayment on Realtime £457.30

Total income £457.30


b) Precept preparation 2019/20. Deferred to January meeting. Agenda item


c) To receive the budget report to 31st October 2018. Cllr Mrs Locker proposed that the budget report to the end of October should be approved. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. There was a balance sheet to the end of 31st October indicating the bank balances which was checked by the Chairman.


d) To consider the arrangements for internal audit procedures prior to the mid-term audit 2018/19. There were 2 candidates for consideration one was a contact given through LALC and the another a retired auditor who had emailed the council offering his services. After much discussion Cllr Roe proposed that Rachel Popplewell should be appointed on the terms of reference and agreed payment of £25 per hour with travelling expenses of 45p per mile Cllr Mrs Graham seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. Clerk to send letter of appointment and terms of reference/arrange date for inspection


9. Highways matters.


a) Update on installation of posts by LCC Highways for Community Speed Watch Initiative Speed Indication Device (SID). Posts have now been installed. Proposed that Cllr Roe should meet with Unipart Dorman when they come to commission the unit and fit the brackets at the approved sites once Council is advised of the suitable lighting columns on Newark Road with South Hykeham boundary. Also Cllrs Rowson and Driffill who have agreed to remove the unit for recharging and replace it on a rolling programme of locations should be present. Cllr Roe has asked what the cost of a spare battery for the unit would be. Clerk to contact Unipart Dorman for price/agenda item


b) Advice from Graeme Butler LRSP regarding additional location for SID on Newark Road and to consider the purchase of additional fixing brackets for this location. Currently awaiting outcome of survey by streetlighting partners at LCC to confirm suitability of streetlights at this location that unit could be mounted on. Clerk has contacted insurer to find out if there will be an additional premium. Cllr Roe Proposed that Clerk be delegated to make the necessary arrangement/payment to insurer for additional premium if required. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. Clerk to contact insurer


c) To consider joining the speed enforcement element of Community Speed Watch (CSW) initiative. This matter had been discussed at a recent meeting and council had decided not to sign up at this point. Some members expressed concern about this initiative and were not keen to support it. Whilst Council had already considered this matter and at that time had decided not to sign up for it a request had been received for it to go on the agenda again for discussion in case Council wishes to make provision in next year’s budget should it decide to reconsider its original decision. Potential precept bid at Jan meeting


d) To consider joining the Parish Agreement Scheme for Highway Verge Cutting 2019/20. Cllr Mrs Graham proposed that the Council should not join this scheme. Cllr Roe seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.


10. Parish Council vacancy for Fosse Ward, South Hykeham update.


No candidates or expressions of interest registered. There had been an informal enquiry during the course of this meeting to Cllr Roe and after some discussion it was agreed to readvertise with a closing date of 6th January 2019. Clerk to readvertise/advise Electoral Services NKDC


11. Correspondence.


a) NKDC email regarding review of Polling Districts, Polling Places & Polling Stations Consultation. Noted


b)NKDC Brownfield Land Register – Site Assessment Evidence Report 2018. Noted


c) Publication of 2018/19 Electoral Register. Noted


12. Nominations for LALC Training. No nominations at this time


13. To approve the calendar of dates for Parish Council meetings 2019.


Cllr Mrs Graham proposed that the calendar of dates should be approved subject to one amendment the date of April Annual Parish meeting/full Council meeting as the Clerk will be unavailable for the second Wednesday of that month. The suggested date subject to availability of the Village Hall is Weds 3rd April 2019. Seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands. Cllr Mrs Whittaker to contact booking secretary for Village Hall


14. Chairman’s report. None.


15. Clerk’s report. None.


16. Parish Councillor’s reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. No reports.


17. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.


Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham seconded by Cllr Mrs Locker that the Council should move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Unanimously agreed on a show of hands. Members were reminded that matters dealt with in closed session should not be shared with anyone outside of the Council.


18. Annual review of Clerk’s contracted hours.


After much discussion it was agreed that the clerk required more hours to cover the amount of work that is being generated as a result of ever changing legislation and the bridleway project that has generated a lot of extra work. It has resulted in the accrual of an excessive amount of time in lieu accrued over a considerable period of time. It was agreed that the situation with regard to the time in lieu owed should be reviewed at the March meeting to see if there is any flexibility to pay some of the accrued time in lieu rather than it being taken as time off. In the meantime it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Locker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Clerk’s contracted hours should be increased to be 60 hours per month with immediate effect.


Date and Time of Next meetings – Full Council 9th January 2019 7.00pm.


There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.56pm.