October 2018 Minutes

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/SouthHykeham


Minutes of the October meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 10th October 2018 at 7.00 pm. in South Hykeham Village Hall.


Present: Councillors: Mrs Whittaker Chairman, P Driffill, D Rowson, Mrs L Graham, S Roe. Carolyn Wilkinson, Clerk.


In Attendance: Cllr Mrs Woodman NKDC, Cllr Thompson LCC, Cllr Mrs Overton NKDC, LCC. There were 2 members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Public


Forum: There was no public forum as no matters were raised for discussion.


Action notes


1. Apologies for absence and reasons given.


Apologies had been received from Cllr Mrs D Locker. Cllr Roe proposed that the reasons for absence should be accepted. Cllr Mrs Graham seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. Apologies had also been given by PCSO Lingard and Cllr Mrs Sue Howe NKDC.


2. To receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider members’ written dispensation requests.


There were no declarations of interest at this point.


3. Police Report


In the absence of the police the Clerk gave the report. There had been one reported crime of a theft of tools from a van on Gateway Park. There have also been 2 other recent thefts from vans in Thorpe on the Hill. Noted


4. District and County Councillors’ reports – for information only. Items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.


Cllr Mrs Woodman reported that the Community Champion’s awards ceremony is taking place this evening at Bomber Command. A new monitoring officer Kim Richardson has been appointed to the role of Monitoring Officer. She is currently a member of the Legal Team at LCC. It is likely that the rendering plant planning applications are not likely to be determined until Spring time. A planning application will be coming forward for a crematorium to be built at Haddington. There will be a public consultation taking place on Monday which is open to all. Posters advertising the consultation will be put on the village noticeboards in South Hykeham. The applicant is South Lincs Estates Ltd and the meeting will take place at Aubourn Enterprise Centre, Bridge Road, Aubourn 29th Oct 7pm. There is a varied programme of activities taking place in the North Kesteven area and a ‘What’s On' diary of events has been circulated to all members of council today. NKDC is already starting work on setting their budget for next year. Cllr Mrs Woodman reported on the success of the Lafford building company which is wholly owned by NKDC operating through its own Board of Directors. It aims to build more homes available to rent at a market level rent. Cllr Thompson reported that the Local Highways Manager had spent a day with himself and various Parish Council representatives in his Eagle and Hykeham West Division to listen to and visit sites of particular concern about road traffic and safety issues. The Highways Manager had felt that the meeting had been useful. LCC has contacted the agents for both rendering applications requesting further information including environmental information and HGV traffic movements. A closing date of 28 November has been proposed for the submission of responses with a possible extension. Once received and considered by LCC another period of consultation will be opened. A new contact, Dave Mitchell, is now in post at Community Speedwatch and will welcome any enquiries regarding activating schemes. He will be involved in implementing the volunteer based side of the initiative.


Cllr Mrs Howe NKDC had sent a written report which had been circulated to all members and was read at the meeting by the Clerk. As part of Lincolnshire's contribution to National Re-Cycling Week, the Lincolnshire Waste Partnership has distributed stickers to encourage households in the county to keep recycling clean. Current figures show that more than a quarter of all recycling is un-useable because of contamination. Nine homes for social housing, suited to younger people and small family units will be delivered by conversion of a former Quarrington school. This is a £1m investment by the Council supported by £400,000 funding from Homes England's Affordable Housing Programme.


Cllr Roe LCC gave his report. Extension of Mushroom Farm to sell and store aggregate with additional 50 movements per day (25 in and out) has been approved by LCC. LCC Highways didn’t feel that the volume of traffic and ability of Boundary Lane to cope with the expected volume of traffic was an issue. Cllr Roe had flagged up about the Soper development and the increase in traffic from there and asked if that had been taken into account. The new Highways reporting system is now up and running.


 5. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th September 2018 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting.


Cllr Rowson proposed, seconded by Cllr Roe that the clerk’s notes should be adopted as the minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2018. Unanimously approved on a show of hands. Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the minutes.


6. Finance


a) To approve the payment of accounts for October 2018. Cllr Roe proposed that the payment of accounts should be approved. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.



C. Wilkinson Salary & travelling £534.05 £577.49 Reimbursement of petty cash £20.49 Travelling Expenses £22.95 (BACs payment 10/10/2018)

HMRC Tax & NICs £13.60 (cheque no. 100528 10/10/2018)

Amazon Multipurpose A4 Copy paper £21.59 (Debit card payment 07/10/18)

Amazon Laser Tone Cartridge for Samsung Xpress £14.95 (Debit card payment 07/10/18)

Giff Gaff Mobile monthly payment £10.00 (Direct debit 21st Oct 2018)

Lincs Assoc. of Local Councils Local Councils Networking Day (Clerk & Chair) £20.00 (BACs payment 10/10/2018)

South Hykeham Village Hall Grant funding for perimeter fence £250.00

Total payments £907.63



Barclays Interest £16.08

Total income £16.08


b) To consider grant application from South Hykeham Village Hall Committee. Cllrs Mrs Whittaker and Mrs Graham declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in the discussion. Cllr Roe proposed that the grant application should be approved with £250 to be awarded. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. Cllr Mrs Whittaker and Mrs Graham abstained from the vote having declared an interest Grant payment to be made


c) Precept preparation 2019/20. Council were reminded of the need to make proper provision for next year’s elections. Attention needs to be paid to council’s reserves. Members to bring thoughts for consideration to the next council meeting such as replacement/new litterbins/projects. Agenda item for next month


d) To consider the effectiveness of internal audit procedures and prior to the mid-term audit 2018/19. The current internal auditor has given notice of his intention to retire due to ill health. The Clerk is currently making enquiries through LALC to secure the services of a new internal auditor. Agenda item for next month Cllr Mrs Overton arrived at this point. Council agreed to permit her to give her report. 3 centenaries are taking place over the next couple of weekends which members of the council are invited to. Cllr Mrs Overton updated members on the situation with regard to the rendering applications. Reminder of the importance of reporting potholes and other highways faults. LCC Highways are continuing to work hard and there has been an issue with how the works are being prioritised with different budgets for different types of works. Due to this there may be occasions when more minor roads are reinstated before the more major roads. Has been speaking to Mark Heaton and Rowan Smith to try and get as much as possible done before the teams are taken off the jobs and put on winter maintenance gritting etc.


 7. Projects - North Hykeham 2 Bridleway improvements between Beechcroft and Mill Lane, N. Hykeham.


a) Report from meeting with Elizabeth Hangar of Kestevens LEADER Fund. Cllr Mrs Graham reported that clarification had been required with completing the form and Elizabeth Hangar has talked the working party through it in understandable terms. Approaches have been made to local businesses, schools etc asking for letters of support from them to show that there is a need for the project. There will be another meeting of working party to make a start on completing the application form as it is due in by 30 November . Cllr Mrs Woodman left the meeting at this point. Thanks given to Cllr Mrs Graham for all of her hard work on this project. Another meeting with Cllrs Mrs Graham, Rowson and the clerk has taken place this evening and another date for the next working party meeting has been set as Thursday 25th October 2018 6.30pm.


b) To approve signatories for submission of the Kestevens LEADER Fund full application. Cllr Roe proposed that Cllrs Mrs Locker, Mrs Graham and Mrs Whittaker should be the signatories on the application and that the Chairman should sign the final page of the application as suggested by Elizabeth Hangar. The motion was seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved on a show of hands.


c) To approve budget for marketing/promoting the Bridleway improvement project. Cllr Roe proposed that a sum of £500 should be approved and vired from litterpicking/grasscutting underspent budget to a budget heading for marketing/promoting the Bridleway improvement project. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. Funds to be vired as agreed


8. Highways matters.


a) Update on installation of posts by LCC Highways for Community Speed Watch Initiative Speed Indication Device (SID). New company set up by LRSP to deal with the installation of posts and other related matters. South Hykeham has been put to the top of the list due to the excessive time that has elapsed since the original application was made under the Community Speedwatch Scheme.


b) Advice from Graeme Butler LRSP regarding additional location for SID on Newark Road. Cllr Roe to meet with Graeme Butler next week to look at the proposed additional location on Newark Road between Thorpe Lane and The Bentley. Cllr Roe to report back to next meeting


c) Flooding at Meadow Lane update/remedial action taken. Surveys being undertaken but no results have yet. Cllr Mrs Overton left the meeting at this point. Agenda item next month


d) Report from meeting of 24th September 2018 at NHTC with Richard Davies LCC. Cllr Davies didn’t turn up at the meeting. Rowan Smith did turn up and various matters pertinent to South Hykeham were discussed. Cllr Roe had spoken to him about some planting that had been done by a resident at Fox Covert which had been removed by the County Council as it is a viewing point. This was not a Parish Council matter but had been raised by the resident prior to the last Parish Council meeting but had been referred to Cllr Roe in his capacity as a County Councillor. Environment agency are looking into the way the car wash dispose of water from their business. Upper Witham Drainage Board will be pursuing the clearance of the open ditch which they can ask the landowner to deal with and if they don’t then they can do the work after the due process has been followed and recharge them. Noted


9. Hykeham Joint Planning Committee report. There has been a move to try to reduce the speed limit to 30mph on Newark Road but they have been advised that there would be no chance of that. All matters relating to planning appear to be progressing well. Noted


10. To approve the South Hykeham Parish Council 10 Year Strategy.


Subject to one amendment, the addition of Councillor surgeries, Cllr Roe proposed that the South Hykeham Parish Council 10 Year Strategy should be approved. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.


11. To consider the adoption of the draft Social Media Policy.


Cllr Mrs Graham proposed that the South Hykeham Parish Council draft Social Media Policy should be approved. Cllr Roe seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands.


12. To approve arrangements for Councillor surgeries and facilitating engagement with parishioners.


Felt that the surgeries taking place whilst the library was open were useful networking opportunities. It is hoped to build on these.


13. Parish Council vacancy for Fosse Ward, South Hykeham update. No applications received as yet. Closing date is 11th November 2018. Agenda item for next month


14. Correspondence.


a) Follow up email from parishioner re: suggestion for a voluntary litterpicking scheme on Newark Road. Cllr Rowson proposed the parishioner should be invited to the next meeting. Seconded by Cllr Roe and unanimously approved. Clerk to email and invite to November meeting


15. Nominations for LALC Training.


Reminder of the importance of attending training. No nominations put forward at this meeting.


16. Chairman’s report.


New litterbins have been installed at Thorpe Lane new estate by Lindum. Cllr Driffill has also installed one at the South Hykeham street sign adjacent to the public footpath towards Pennells and also at the turning point of Thorpe Lane. Thanks extended to Cllr Driffill/Clerk to advise NKDC of new locations for emptying the bins


17. Clerk’s report.


Email from LCC advising of Winter Self-Help and mutual aid for grit supplies and treatment of priority routes. No action to be taken Central Lincs Local Plan team advising of inset maps updating due to adopted Neighbourhood Plans etc Noted Letter from Royal Mail re: raising awareness of scam mail in the local community. Noted


18. Parish Councillor’s reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.


LCC wooden posts have been demolished outside Long Lane/Wath Lane. Clerk to report to Highways 19. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. There were no matters to discuss under this heading.


Date and Time of Next meetings - Full Council meeting 14th November 2018 7.00pm.


There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.32pm.


Chairman............................................ Date.................................