HJPC October 2021 Agenda (12th)

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Hykeham Planning Committee to be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Fen Lane on Tuesday 12th October 2021 at 7.00pm at which the under mentioned business will be transacted.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting a public forum will be held from 7.00pm for a maximum of 15 minutes where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.

Yours sincerely
M Parker
Mrs M Parker
Town Clerk


1. Apologies for absence and acceptance of reasons given

2. Receipt of any Declaration of Members’ Interests under the Localism Act 2011

3. Notes of the Committee Meeting held on 28th September 2021 be approved as a true record of minutes

4. Chairman’s items

5. To consider the following: -

Planning Applications

21/1369 7 Alderney Way NH – Proposed single storey rear extension

21/1385 12 Bowthorpe Close, SH – Proposed Single storey rear extension, car port to side with first floor extension above and alterations to dwelling

21/1372 Unit 1 Freeman Road, NH – Replacement of workshop unit with 2 new workshop units

21/1429 34 Waverley Avenue, NH - Erection of a single storey front extension

21/1450 35 Livia Avenue, NH - Proposed Conservatory

21/1386 43 Moor Lane, NH – Erection of 1no. dwelling


21/1482/TPO 43 Ascot Way, NH - T1 / T2 Oak - side prune 2m and deadwood

21/1522/TPO 41 Fox Covert, SH - T1 / T2 Oak - Crown clean; remove deadwood >25mm diameter, diseased and crossing branches. Crown lift all round height 4.5m, prune branches to 3.5m from property

6. Decisions received and correspondence

7. Neighbourhood plan issues (standing item)