April 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


Minutes of the Annual Parish meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council took  place on Wednesday 13th April 2022, at 6.30pm . 

Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson Chairman: Cllr Pam Whittaker Chair of South Hykeham Parish Council

Present: Parish Councillors: Mrs L Graham, D Rowson, P Driffill and R Phillips, District and County Councillors M Overto and County Councillor  M Thompson. Headteacher J Richardson South Hykeham Community Primary School. Bruce Wakeling of  South Hykeham Village Hall Committee and Sir Robert Pattinson Academy Teaching Staff Dom Reed, Deputy Headteacher and Scott Taylor and family.

1. Apologies for absence. Apologies had been received from the Local Police Beat Team, Cllrs N Dillon-Jones and Stephen Roe.

2. Annual presentation of Community Awards. The Chairman presented the Community Award to Bruce Wakeling who had been nominated by the management committee of South Hykeham Village Hall in recognition of his many years of voluntary service to the management and maintenance of the Village Hall.

The Chairman presented the Achievement Award to Scott Taylor who had been nominated by his school for his outstanding achievement in his chosen sport of hockey and for being a positive role model as Head Boy of Sir Robert Pattinson Academy.

Both successful nominees of the awards were presented with the shields which they will hold for the ensuing year, a framed certificate and a gift voucher.  The successful recipients of the awards for 2022 and their guests left the meeting after the presentation of the awards had taken place.        

3. Clerk’s notes of the last Annual Parish meeting held remotely on Weds 14th April 2021 to be adopted as the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting.  The meeting was convened under The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel (Coronavirus) Flexibility of Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panel Meetings (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. Proposed Cllr Driffill seconded by Cllr Rowson that the clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Wed 14th April 2021 were a true record and should be adopted as the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting.  Unanimously approved by those who had been present at that meeting.

4.  Police Report.  In the absence of the Police Beat Team it was noted that the written police report which had been circulated prior to the meeting listed the current priorities as tackling anti-social behaviour in towns and rural areas and speeding. Noted   

5. Reports.

a) South Hykeham Parish Council Annual Report.  The Chairman made reference to the Annual Parish Council report which had been circulated prior to the meeting and advised In March of last year the Parish Council was advised that North Hykeham Town Council was no longer able to continue litterpicking in South Hykeham under the service level agreement which provided for up to 10 hours per calendar month.  As the Council had already formed a voluntary litterpicking initiative it was agreed that the frequency of volunteer litterpicks should be increased to every other month on the second Saturday of the month and subject to clement weather conditions. The most recent litterpick is scheduled to coincide with the Great Keep Britain Tidy Spring Clean.  Volunteers and Councillors are invited to congregate at Beechcroft Woods where litterpicking and protective equipment is provided by the Council and the schedule of dates for future litterpicks will appear on the noticeboards, in the Witham Herald and on the Parish Council website. Litterbin locations are reviewed annually and new locations are identified with a view to installing a new bin there once permission has been obtained from the landowner or LCC Highways.  

At the Parish Council meeting of 12th January 2022 after setting the budget for 2022/2023 the Parish Council unanimously agreed to a 4.08% increase and set the precept at £18,000.00. This equates to £42.96 per annum on a band D property. A decision to purchase a defibrillator was made for installation somewhere in the vicinity of Newark Road/Thorpe Lane.  In partnership with McDonalds the Council bought the defibrillator and locking cabinet and McDonalds on Gateway Park agreed to supply the power supply to the unit which it was agreed would be fixed to the outside of their building.  Subsequently McDonalds very generously offered to purchase the defibrillator and locking cabinet and have now advised that they will also be paying for the installation costs as a gift to the parishioners of South Hykeham.  Once installed and commissioned East Midlands Ambulance will be advised of the location so that it can be added to their network of defibrillator locations.  The Parish Council is very grateful to McDonalds for their very generous gift to South Hykeham parishioners.  The Parish Council is in the process of booking LIVES in order to deliver some first aid training in the use of a defibrillator and basic first aid skills for McDonalds staff, Parish Councillors and other key South Hykeham representatives.

To celebrate the Platinum Jubilee the Parish Council is hosting a Jubilee Gala which will feature traditional stalls, competitions and entertainments including a Circus skills workshop and other attractions.  It will take place on the school playing field which the Headteacher has kindly offered as the venue for the event and Reverend Collins and his churchwardens are busy coming up with ideas for stalls and attractions at the event which will take place on Friday 3rd June 4pm to 8pm.  

The Parish Council looks forward to another busy year and invites Parishioners to approach them with suggestions for ideas for new initiatives or facilities that they would like to see in South Hykeham.  Suggestions can be put forward to the Parish Council for consideration by contacting the Clerk on 07762 318013 or by mail southhykehampc@gmail.com or in person at a Parish Council meeting or at the Jubilee Gala when members of council will be on hand to talk to parishioners and listen to their ideas for improving the area in which they live.

b) District Councillors’ reports.  Cllr Mary Green had sent a written report which had been circulated prior to the meeting.  She reported that Lincolnshire was preparing to receive its first Ukrainian evacuees after hundreds of families had reached out to offer in sanctuary.  In tandem a network of local councils, public bodies, charities and community groups is continuing to develop, in partnership, a range of services and mechanisms to underpin the response.  Covid safe protocols are still in force at the Sleaford Offices and apply to all visitors entering the building.  A lot of officers are still working from home and the wearing of face coverings if within 2 metres of someone else is compulsory unless they are deemed to be exempt.

c) County Councillors’ reports.   Cllr Overton had supplied a written report which had been circulated prior to the meeting.  She also reported on major changes with the highways contractors last year and advised that the Eastern Bypass has been completed but is only single carriageway for the entire length.   The planned Hykeham Relief Road will reduce some of the impact of heavy traffic and will be dual carriageway.  Once it is open it will give the option to close the carriageways of the western bypass in order to dual the rest of it.  Difficult decisions have had to be made as our County is the second lowest in the shires for funding but has 5.5 thousand miles of roads with 750,000 people.  

Adult social care is to have an integrated package of social care featuring NHS partners and private providers in order to try and streamline the services which are heavily burdened due to the number of people requiring social care. 

The County Views Panel is a citizen’s panel to raise and report issues with the County Council. Cllr Overton reported that fuel poverty is a major issue with moves afoot to improve home insulation in order to reduce energy wastage.  She reported that she was having weekly meetings with the ministers in order to speed up the process of the Ukrainian evacuees obtaining visas but there remain over 30,000 who are still waiting.  Many of the refugees and asylum seekers are currently housed in hotels. Funding  has been given to the councils to help with the provision of mental health, social and health issues and other support that is required. 

Cllr Thompson LCC reported that there are plans to preserve the Heritage aspect of the site of RAF Scampton with an aversion to it being turned into a giant estate.

He reported that meetings of County Council were held on Microsoft Teams for 18 months during the COVID19 pandemic.  The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) was mobilized to provide support for organizations and volunteers during pandemic.  Many council services were maintained with many staff working from home.  Together with District Councils financial and other support was provided to help businesses.  County councillors were allocated funding for the recognition of community projects within their divisions. From September 2021 the council returned to in person meetings but has continued to work within the Covid precautions.  

Highways - Changes took place with major contractors in April 2021.  It is hoped that this will lead to more efficient and effective working and repairs.  The Lincoln Eastern Bypass was a major work competed and opened.  The Hykeham Relief Road has been agreed and is moving to the next phase of the development. Despite some temporary additional Government funding, £12 million was withdrawn from LCC Highways budget and replacing this from reserves has been agreed in order to mitigate a reduction in services.

Adult Social Care- The County Council has a responsibility to fund and commission adult social care.  The way this is done is changing with a move to Integrated Care Systems which are currently being set up aiming to improve cooperative working with partners in the NHS and with private care providers.

d) Village Organisations’ reports. South Hykeham Community Primary School – the Headteacher John Richardson gave a report on the school’s activities during the COVID 19 pandemic and subsequently.  Everyone has worked really hard and the return to school post pandemic has been welcomed.  Currently there are 153 pupils attending the school compared with 13 in 1871.

6.  South Hykeham Parish Council’s 10 Year Strategy update. The 10 Year Strategy Working Party continues to meet usually at 6.30pm before the Parish Council meeting of the same evening.  Rev Collins and the Headteacher John Richardson have joined the Working Party and are seeking to stage some more community events in order to engage and consult with parishioners in order to bring forward new ideas and initiatives to enhance the local area.

7.  Parish Council Grants and Donations 2021/22. The Parish Council has set aside £600 in the budget for awarding grants or donations to financially support community organisations within the village and other organisations that provide valuable advice and life changing support to South Hykeham Parishioners. 
This year the Council has awarded a grant of £150 to the Camaraderie Club which provides companionship and support to service veterans.  There were no other applications made during this financial year.

8. Finance Report 2021/22. The Clerk had prepared  a financial statement and budget report and balance sheet for the year ended 31st March 2022 which had been circulated prior to the  meeting and was on the Council website.  The Clerk had taken the Parish Council accounts and supporting documents to the internal auditor and had also met with her remotely.  The Auditor had reported that all was in order and that she was pleased to confirm that the Council’s accounts and financial matters are well managed. 

The external auditor has set the date for the completion and submission of the Council’s Annual Return for 2021/22.

9. Update on project to improve the surface of Public Bridleway North Hykeham 2 between Ascot Way and Mill Lane.  The Parish Council project to improve the surface of the bridleway between Ascot Way and Mill Lane has almost been completed with the final phase between Grandfield Way and Ascot Way having been put on hold.  It is currently with the Rights of Way Team as the path needs to be slightly rerouted and conversations are currently taking place to resolve this.  Due to the complexity of this matter the completion of the final section is likely to be a medium term project.  

The Council is still waiting the installation of barriers at the Mill Lane end of the bridleway and has been chasing this up with AccessLincoln/LCC Highways.  The latest report is that they are still waiting for the contractor to give them a start date for the work which will also feature the completion of some outstanding remedial work to the bridleway.  Once the barriers are installed it will provide a physical deterrent against cycling into the road and will also prevent motorised vehicles using the bridleway.  

10. Parishioner’s Open Forum and Questions. As there were no members of the Public present there were no matters to be discussed.

The meeting closed at 6.52pm.