November 2022 Minutes
South Hykeham Parish Council
Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson Website:
Minutes of the November Parish Council meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 9th November 2022 at 7.00pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School, Wath Lane.
Present: Councillors: Mrs P Whittaker, Mrs Graham (Chairman of the meeting), P Driffill, S Roe, R Phillips. Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson.
In attendance: Cllr Mary Green.
Public Forum: There were no members of the public present so there were no matters to discuss. Cllr Mrs Graham welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. To receive apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Rowson and Mrs Dillon. Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that the reasons for absence should be accepted. Motion seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands. Apologies for absence were also received from the Police Beat Team and Cllr M Thompson.
2. To resolve to receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member’s written dispensation requests. There were no declarations of interest at this point.
3. To receive County and District Councillors reports. Written reports from Cllrs Green NKDC, Thompson LCC, and Overton NKDC/LCC had been circulated to members prior to this meeting and were noted. There were no questions arising from the reports. Cllr Green added to her report that measures are in force to stop the spread of Avian Influenza and all domestic poultry and birds need to be housed as per the comprehensive guidance on Gov.UK as to what the regulations are:-
Cllr Roe informed members that Devolution is now back under discussion with consideration being given to a Greater Lincolnshire unitary authority with a mayor. He reported that there is a new home about to be built in Lincoln to house children in care and next year there will be another built in Louth. Children from the County who are currently living outside of the County will be brought back into these new homes. Ukrainian children will be regarded as Lincolnshire children when they come into the County and will be treated equally.
He advised of the LCC Highways visit with Richard Davies and Joe Phillips who are to visit the North and South Hykeham area to look at issues of concern. The Chairman was invited to attend the visit when it takes place. All concrete based roads in North and South Hykeham are to be resurfaced though there are no timescales as yet for the work. Boundary Lane will continue to be patched until the new bypass has been completed but is badly in need of resurfacing.
There may also be a new cycle track linking North and South Hykeham to Lincoln.
Cllr Green left the meeting at this point as she had other meetings to attend.
4.To receive the Police Report. The monthly police report had been circulated to all members of Council in advance of this meeting and was noted. The priorities for the next 3 months continues to be tackling anti-social behaviour at open spaces (town and rural) and scams crime prevention. It was noted that courier fraud is on the increase too.
5.To resolve to adopt the clerk’s notes of the meeting of 12th October 2022 as the minutes of that meeting. Proposed Cllr Driffill, seconded by Cllr Roe and unanimously resolved on a show of hands to adopt the Clerk’s notes as a true record of that meeting.
Cllr Mrs Graham signed the minutes
6. Finance. a) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for Nov 2022. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Whittaker and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.
Payee |
Expenditure |
Amount |
Giff Gaff |
Mobile monthly payment |
£6.00 | |
iPad and Sim plan monthly payment |
£12.54 |
LALC AGM & conference |
£36.00 |
Amazon |
Shredder |
£38.15 |
C. Wilkinson |
Salary |
£563.00 |
C Wilkinson |
Petty cash sundries |
£47.11 |
£140.88 |
Total Payments |
£843.68 |
Income |
Litterpicking grant |
£187.95 |
Total income |
£187.95 |
b) To review the policy for Grants and Donations from 2023. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the current policy is effective as it is and doesn’t require any revision. The sum set aside for grants and donations for the financial year commencing 1st April 2023 will be considered at the January meeting when the budget is set for the forthcoming year. In the meantime the current documentation should be updated to reflect the financial year to which it applies.
c) To receive the budget report as at 31st October 2022. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Council should receive the budget report. At this point in the financial year all expenditure is within budget.
d) 2023/24 Budget preparation. The precept requirements letter for the forthcoming financial year has not yet been received from NKDC. Members were asked to bring suggestions for projects to be included in the budget which will be an agenda item for discussion at the January meeting of the Parish Council. Agenda item for January meeting/members to consider and prepare for the January meeting of Council when the budget 2023/24 will be considered and the precept set.
7. Litterpicking
a) To confirm the litterpicking poster competition winners from South Hykeham Community Primary School.
The closing date was the 4th November with entries to be judged at this meeting but unfortunately the entries were not available for the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Roe and seconded by Cllr Driffill that the Chairman should select the 2 prizewinners from those shortlisted by her and the Vice Chairman Cllr Mrs Graham. The 2 prizewinners will each be awarded a £20 book token. The winning entries will be reproduced and distributed throughout the area in order to promote the voluntary litterpicking initiative. Cllr Mrs Whittaker will liaise with the Headteacher over the arrangements for the presentation of the tokens to the prizewinners. Clerk to purchase book tokens/Cllr Mrs Whittaker to arrange to attend the presentation at a future assembly of the school
b) To review the current locations of litterbins & agree additional locations & purchase of new bins. After much discussion it was unanimously agreed that the current locations for new bins are Beechcroft and at the bus stop opposite Pennells as approved at the meeting of 12th October 2022. The Clerk has taken delivery of the two bins which are to be collected by Cllr Driffill for installation at those locations. Further locations of litterbins will be considered at the next Parish Council meeting following the receipt of a request or at the time it is recognized that there is a need at a new location. In any case the provision of litterbins will be reviewed annually in November so that they may be budgeted for.
8.Highways matters:-
a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe.
The device is currently on Long Lane and Mill Lane will be the next location.
b) Outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention. The matter of the drainage problems at Beck Lane have been reported to LCC Highways and on Fix My Street and remain an ongoing issue which is yet to be resolved satisfactorily. It was reported that the safety barrier that has been installed at the Mill Lane end of the cycle path/bridleway is not long enough and doesn’t afford enough protection to stop cyclists riding straight into the road. Cllr Roe to ask Joe Phillips to look into this when they carry out the visit to look at Highways issues of concern in Hykeham
9. Bus Shelter Newark Road, South Hykeham
a) To consider the quotes for the demolition/disposal of the old bus shelter on Newark Road and approve payment to contractor from s106 planning gains transferred from LCC to the Parish Council.
After a brief discussion the Council agreed that this would be a job for the Spring when the weather is improving and it would be an opportunity to ask the same contractor to quote for the concrete plinth for a new bench on Newark Road in the vicinity of the bus shelter. Removing the shelter when the weather is more likely to be inclement would not be well received and there may be a short delay due to the demolition of the current structure and allowing for any necessary reinstatement of the current plinth. Deferred until early Spring/requests for quotes to be sent out in February/agenda item for February meeting
b) To resolve to meet the balance of the cost of removal of the old bus shelter & the installation of the new shelter from Community Infrastructure Levy funds accrued by the Parish Council - Deferred until January meeting/agenda item for that meeting.
10. 10 Year Strategy Working Party report from meeting of this evening.
a) To confirm the arrangements for 11th November 2022 Armistice Day Remembrance Service. All matters are in hand and the guest list has been confirmed. Refreshments will be served in the church.
b) To resolve to approve the proposal for a Christmas Tree to be installed at Meadow Lane and to arrange a Christmas event featuring the switch on of the lights.
Proposed by Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Phillips that a sum of up to £150 should be made available for the purchase of a suitable outdoor planter and outdoor battery operated lights for the real Nordmann Fir tree which has been very kindly donated by Pennells. The Clerk and Chairman will visit Pennells in order to select the tree and have been offered guidance from Mr Pennell through his manager Guy who will advise on the type of planter and suitable lights for the location outside of the church. LCC has given permission for the installation of a temporary structure on the verge adjacent to the memorial bench. The planter to be selected will remain in situ next to the bench and will have a brass plaque on it remembering the fallen. The poppy crosses can then be placed in there at the Armistice Day Service in November and it will be regularly planted with plants and flowers and tended by Cllrs Rowson and Driffill. It has been too late to arrange an event to light the tree but it will be in position to coincide with the Church Christmas Fayre.
c) To resolve to attend the St Michael and All Angels Christmas Fayre on 10th December 2022. Parish Council is to have a tombola stall at the event which will be organised and run by the Clerk. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded Cllr Phillips and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Parish Council should be involved in this event which is an opportunity for community engagement.
11. Planning matters (Cllr Roe having declared an interest in planning matters took no part in the discussion and abstained from the vote)
a)To consider NKDC planning applications received and respond by deadline.
22/1533/HOUS - 26 Fox Covert - Proposed garage conversion & first floor side extension. No comments/no objection Proposed by Cllr Driffill, seconded by Cllr Phillips and unanimously approved on a show of hands with one abstention from the vote.
b) To note NKDC planning decisions. 22/0451/FUL Gateway Park 12 Roman Way. Change of use approved.
c) To consider NKDC application for work on trees subject to Tree Preservation Order.
22/1496/TPO 1 Wood Lane T1 Oak reduce back to fence line/T2 Oak reduce lateral branches to fence line. No Comments/no objections. Happy to accept the decision of NKDC Tree Officer.
Proposed by Cllr Driffill, seconded by Cllr Phillips and unanimously approved on a show of hands with one abstension from the vote.
d) To note Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Public Examination and hearing sessions.
12. To consider a response to the statutory consultation on the proposals to improve the A46 Newark Bypass as a prescribed consultee under Section 42(1) of the Planning Act 2008. The Parish Council unanimously agreed that it supported the proposals
13. To approve the Parish Council Training Policy and Councillor/Clerks training nominations.
14. Chairman’s report.
15. Clerk’s report. Cost of living Crisis – grants available for voluntary and community groups – closing date 30th Nov with decisions notified in Jan 2023
Letter from NHTC re: amalgamation of council was received too late for the agenda so deferred until Jan 2023 meeting.
Agenda item for January meeting
Airspace consultation deadline – forwarded to NKDC decided at our meeting of Oct that it was too specialised for the Parish Council to respond and more appropriate for principal authorities planning departments.
Clerks pay award 2022/23 was received too late for the agenda. Retrospective to April 2022 and applies to anyone contracted under the NJC model contract. Clerk is appointed on the terms of the NJC model contract.
Agenda item for January meeting
16. Parish Councillors’ reports –information only/items requiring a decision will appear on a future agenda.
No reports to consider.
17. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for confidential items. No matters to discuss under this heading.
Date and Time of Next meetings: –
January Full Parish Council Meeting Weds 11th January 2023 7.00pm
10 Year Strategy Working Party Meeting Weds 8th February 2023 6.30pm
There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.03pm.