January 2022 Minutes
Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson Website: https://south-hykeham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
Minutes of the January meeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 12th January 2022 at 7pm at South Hykeham Community Primary School, Wath Lane, South Hykeham
Present: Councillors: Mrs Whittaker Chairperson, P Driffill, D Rowson, S Roe.
In attendance: Reverend Peter Collins.
Public Forum: No Public Forum as there were no members of the public present.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies for absence and to resolve to accept the reasons given.
Apologies were received from Cllrs Phillips, Mrs Dillon-Jones and Mrs Graham. Cllr Roe proposed that the reasons for absence should be accepted. Motion seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands.
The Police Beat Team, Phil Watt AccessLincoln, Cllr R Eckert NKDC, Cllr M Green NKDC and Cllr M Thompson LCC had all sent their apologies. Written reports had been received from each and had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. Noted
2. To resolve to receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider member's written dispensation requests.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
3. To resolve to approve the clerk's notes of the meeting of 10th November 2021 as the minutes.
Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and resolved unanimously on a show of hands by those present at the last meeting that the Clerk's notes should be approved as the minutes of the meeting held on 10th November 2021.
4. County & District Councillor reports for information purposes only. Items raised for a decision will appear on the agenda of the next meeting.
Cllrs Thompson LCC, Cllr Overton NKDC/LCC, Cllr M Green NKDC and Cllr Eckert NKDC had each given email reports which had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting and were duly noted.
Cllr Roe LCC/NKDC reported that there were major implications for the County Council with cuts to their funding from Central Government. The Council’s budget proposals for 2022/23 were considered at the Council’s Executive meeting on Wednesday 5 January 2022 at which it was decided to put forward a proposed council tax increase of 3.00% for 2022/23 which is entirely for Adult Social Care. The increase allows for them to balance the budget for next year and takes account of the rising costs of adult social care. They had considered increasing council tax by a lesser amount, but this would mean either reducing planned levels of service or using reserves to balance the budget in 2022/23 which is not a sustainable position.
5. Police report There had been no police report to consider for this meeting.
Action notes
6. Bridleway N Hykeham 2 improvements between Ascot Way and Mill Lane.
In the absence of Phil Watt the Clerk gave an update from an email that Phil had sent. He indicated he will attend the February meeting of the Parish Council. The tender process for Hirebikes which the clerk had made enquiries about is going through at the moment but it’s unlikely that the operator will be in position much before the Summer. South Hykeham would be one of the areas that he would want to see the scheme expanded to. The tender process will show a range of docking options with the ‘floating’ option being the preferred option for expanding to smaller communities such as South Hykeham with the minimum amount of risk.
a) To resolve to approve the request for payment of the Parish Council element from ring fenced reserve.
The council has not yet made payment to LCC for the bridleway improvements as and invoice has not yet been recieved. Phil has indicated that he has explained that as the job remains uncompleted that work to install the barrier at Mill Lane as a minimum should be completed before any payment to LCC is made. Members agreed that until the final section is completed the payment should not be made in full. It was proposed by Cllr Rowson, seconded by Cllr Roe and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the s106 payment and grant element from Lincoln Coop together totalling £29,005 should be paid to LCC on receipt of an invoice to complete the audit trail. The element of £15,000 which the Council had allocated from its own budget should be withheld until the completion of the final stretch between Grandfield Way and Ascot Close is completed.
b) To consider the request for an additional litterbin at the South Hykeham end of the bridleway
Council was advised that the request to install an additional bin at Beechcroft was still awaiting permission from the landowner Allen Homes who have not replied to a written request sent early December.
c) To consider the complaints about the neglect of the area of land at Beechcroft owned by the developer and their failure to carry out grasscutting etc as they had advised Cllr Roe in March 2021.
The letter sent regarding the litter bin was also asking Allen Homes to carry out grasscutting and maintenance at this location as they had told Cllr Roe they would do by adding it to their maintenance list. The ground has been completely neglected since March 2021. Cllr Roe to give Clerk his contact at Allen Homes details again as she will try ringing or emailing instead
7. Finance
a) To resolve to ratify the renewal of the annual Data Protection registration.
Proposed Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands to ratify the renewal of the annual Data Protection Registration. Renewal by due date
b) To resolve to approve the payment of accounts for December 2021/January 2022.
Payee |
Expenditure |
Amount |
Amazon The Kids Candy Company |
S111 Chocolate coins for Christmas Fayre (community engagement) |
£21.99 |
Andrew Deptford |
Defibrillator and locking cabinet with Prep/rescue kit |
£1,476.00 |
C. Wilkinson |
Salary |
£553.40 |
C. Wilkinson |
Petty cash reimbursement S111 Hire of stall for community engagement at S Hykeham Church Village Fayre |
£10.00 |
Tax & NICS |
£138.48 |
Giff Gaff |
Mobile monthly payment |
£6.00 |
Three.co.uk |
iPad and Sim plan monthly payment |
£12.00 |
Amazon |
CCTV signs |
£4.28 |
Amazon |
Printer cartridge |
£18.95 |
Data Protection fee |
£40.00 |
C Wilkinson |
Salary & reimb petty cash |
£563.40 |
Tax & NICS |
£138.48 |
Total payments |
£2,982.98 |
Proposed Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously resolved on a show of hands to approve the payment of accounts for December 2021/January 2022.
c) To resolve to receive the Budget report to 31st December 2021.
Cllr Rowson proposed, seconded by Cllr Roe that the budget report should be received. Cllr Rowson checked the bank statements against the balance sheet to 31st December 2021 and signed to say that they were in accordance with each other.
d) To resolve to renew the annual subscription for LALC membership 2022/23.
Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands to approve the renewal of the annual subscription for LALC membership 2022/23.
e) To resolve to renew the annual subscription for LALC training scheme 2022/2023.
Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands to approve the renewal of the annual subscription for LALC training scheme 2022/23.
f) To resolve to renew the annual subscription to SLCC for Clerk’s membership.
Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands to approve the renewal of the annual subscription 2022/23 to SLCC for Clerk’s membership 2022/23.
8. Precept 2022/23.
a) To consider proposals for projects to be included in the budget in preparation for 2022/23 precept.
Members agreed that the 10 Year Strategy Working Party is to look through the wish list of suggestions for facilities/amenities for children and young people that has been prepared by pupils residing in S Hykeham and attending Robert Pattinson Academy.
Recommendations are to be brought back to full council for consideration and to be included in the 10 Year Strategy if they are deemed to be achievable. It ws proposed that budget provision should be made for 2022/23 building over a number of years and with any expected CIL or s106 planning gains that meet the criteria for a particular project to be placed in an earmarked reserve. It was agreed that funding should be allocated in order to achieve some of the vision that young people have for South Hykeham.
b) To consider the approval of the draft budget 2022/2023 and to set the Parish Council’s precept 2022/23.
After careful consideration of the proposed budget in front of members discussion it was proposed by Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the Council should adopt the budget as discussed with approved reserves totalling £62,360.00 made up of earmarked reserves totalling £54,080 and recommended reserves for election of £3,000 and a general reserve of £5,280 equating to 3 months of expenditure for the Council.
Action: Clerk
c) To resolve to approve the Precept proposal for 2022/2023 as discussed under agenda item 8(b).
After much discussion it was proposed by Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the precept should be set at £18,000 equating to a 4.08% increase as indicated on the working calculator print out in front of members this evening.
Action: Clerk to submit
9. To approve the schedule of dates for Parish Council meetings 2022/23.
Proposed Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the schedule of dates should be published as set out on the sheet in front of members.
a) To approve the venue and housekeeping arrangements for Parish Council meetings.
Proposed Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the school should be approached with a request to extend the current booking arrangements for the subsequent year 2022/23.
Clerk to make enquiries and report back to next meeting of council
Action notes
b) To consider the arrangements for the Annual Parish meeting to be held on 13th April 2022.
After some discussion the Clerk was asked to approach Rowan Smith of LCC Highways to appear as a guest speaker at the Annual Parish meeting due to take place on Weds 13th April 2022 6.30pm followed on by the April meeting of Full Council. Clerk to send invitation to Rowan Smith LCC Highways
c) To agree the arrangements for the nominations and presentation of Community Awards at the Annual Parish meeting.
It was proposed that the Clerk should advertise the awards in the Witham Herald and that invitations to submit nominations are to be sent out to schools with South Hykeham pupils and Village Organisations. The terms and conditions of the awards have been reviewed and remain relevant.
Clerk to advertise and send out letters inviting nominations/ notices to be put on Parish website ¬iceboards
d) To consider inviting guest speakers to address the Annual Parish meeting.
Already dealt with under agenda item no. 9b.
10. To consider the application for a grant from the Camaraderie Club.
After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Whittaker and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the Camaraderie Club (Royal Voluntary Service) should be awarded a grant of £150 for the purpose of promoting the wellbeing of members and tackling loneliness amongst its aged members.
Clerk to advise Camaraderie Club and make arrangements for the payment of the grant
11. Great British Spring Clean event and to agree the programme of Parish Council led litterpicks.
After much discussion it was agreed that there will be a litterpick to coincide with the great British Spring Clean that takes place between 25th March 2022 to 10th April 2022.
Date of Great British Spring Clean litterpick to be confirmed at the February meeting of council.
The next general litterpick will take place on Saturday 5th March 2022 10.30am until midday assembling at Beechcroft amenity space and will take place every two months on the first Saturday morning of the month subject to the weather. A new volunteer had come forward at the Christmas event at St Michaels and All Angels Church.
12.Highways matters:-
a) Speed Indicator Device report from Cllr Roe.
No report for the meeting of this evening as there appears to be a problem with downloading the data from the SID. Report for next month
b) Outstanding/new highways faults requiring urgent attention. None to report
Action notes
c) Update on LCC Highways initiatives to improve safety at South Hykeham Community Primary School.
The Headteacher had sent an update that he had received from Dan O’Neill the Highways Officer apologising for the delay in getting the new sign and road markings done. He is awaiting an answer from the contractor for a date for the works to commence and will be in touch once he has confirmation. Reverend Collins expressed great concern about the dangerous driving and parking that he has witnessed on several occasions in the vicinity of the school particularly at school starting and leaving times. The Council has similar concerns and has canvassed Highways senior officers, County Councillors and the Police and Road Safety Partnership about these concerns. It is hoped that if Rowan Smith attends the Annual Parish meeting there will be a turnout of parents, local residents and organisations who will come along in order to express their own concerns and fears for their children’s safety at this very busy location. It is essential that some early remedial action is taken in order to safeguard the lives of children, parents and parishioners. Agenda item for next month
13. To consider the proposal from LCC Highways officer re: Highways s106 contribution 13/1464/FUL Land at Thorpe Lane and replacement/upgraded bus shelter at Thorpe Lane, S Hykeham. Urgent update requested.
a) To consider a proposal to carry out regular cleaning of the aforementioned brick built bus shelter currently in situ in response to parishioners’ complaints.
After much discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council should make enquiries with local builders to get an estimate for 2 options, either to demolish the current structure and clear the site and install a new Perspex shelter as the existing shelter is currently not fit for purpose and attracts anti-social behaviour. The other option is to look into the feasibility of upgrading the existing shelter to replace the roof and to install vandal proof Perspex windows and to have a programme of regular cleaning of the inside of the structure provided by a contractor or volunteer. Cllr Rowson will approach a local builder and will approach ask if he can offer advice as to how the problem might be resolved and if it is feasible to put new windows in the existing structure/Cllr Rowson to report back to February meeting
14. 10 Year Strategy Working Party report.
a) To consider the proposal from McDonalds to refund the cost in full to the Parish Council (including the VAT element) of the community defibrillator/cabinet for installation on their building at Gateway Park, off Newark Rd, South Hykeham.
Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that the kind offer of reimbursement of the cost of the defibrillator by Mc Donalds should be accepted and that the Parish Council should pay for the cost of the connection to the electrical supply and the fitting of the defibrillator on the outside of the building by McDonalds own approved electrical contractor. Cllr Roe proposed that a cost of up to £250 for the installation and commissioning should be approved by Council. Cllrs discussed this and on a motion proposed by Cllr Mrs Whittaker, seconded by Cllr Roe and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the offer of reimbursement of the cost of the defibrillator should be accepted and that the Parish Council should meet the cost of the installation and commissioning of the defibrillator. The Parish Council is unable to reclaim the VAT from HMRC as advised by LALC) Clerk to send invoice to McDonalds/Cllr Mrs Whittaker to visit the outlet to discuss the outcome of this meeting
Action notes
Cllr Thompson LCC had suggested that it would be useful to provide some community, Mc Donalds and council training in the use/maintenance/regular checking of the defibrillator on a weekly basis but also to replace pads etc if the unit had been used. It will need to be registered with the East Midlands Ambulance Service too once it is installed and ready to use/Clerk/Councillors to investigate locally for a training provider and report back to February meeting.
b) To consider suggestions for a community event to coincide with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee June 2022.
Reverend Collins advised that the church will be planting a tulip tree in the churchyard and this is something that a lot of churches are doing as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy. There will also be a timeline around the inside of the Church. The Church and the Parish Council had discussed having a joint Gala event to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and the Headteacher had very kindly agreed to allow the use of the school playing field when the school was not open. The event would take place on either Saturday 4th June or Sunday 5th June 2022 and various ideas for attractions had been considered but would require all members of council to be involved in the arrangements and an early meeting is planned in order to confirm some of the finer details so that events/attractions can be arranged in good time. Cllr Rowson proposed, seconded by Cllr Driffill that a joint event should be held and the 10 Year strategy Working Party should be given authority to meet again with the Church and the School in order to decide a date, time etc and to start looking into booking attractions. Meeting of working party to be arranged to bring forward a proposal to the February meeting of full council for funding and an order of programme for the events.
c) Update on the arrangements and prizes for schools competition to design Parish history boards.
The Headteacher has approached both of the North Hykeham Secondary Schools to ask if their Art Departments might be able to assist with this project as he felt that secondary students could find this a useful project to work on and would result in a very professional standard of work. He will also think about how his own pupils might be able to contribute towards this project.
Agenda item for next meeting
15. Hykeham Joint Planning Committee
a) To receive the minutes of the November/December Hykeham Joint Planning Committee meetings. Proposed Cllr Roe, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously resolved on a show of hands that the minutes of the the November and December Hykeham Joint Planning Committee meetings should be received.
b) To consider the Review of Hykeham Joint Planning Committee Terms of Reference and the effectiveness of the Joint Planning Committee.
After a brief discussion Cllr Mrs Whittaker proposed that the discussion on this item and the following item 15c) should be deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council as 2 members of the Joint Planning Committee were not present this evening due to illness and proper discussion could not take place without their contribution. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion which was resolved on a show of hands. Cllr Roe abstained from the vote and took no part in the discussion having previously declared a personal interest in this matter.
Agenda item for February meeting of full council
Action notes
c) To consider reverting to dealing with South Hykeham Parish Council (SHPC) planning applications in house at SHPC full council meetings Deferred to the Feb meeting of full council
16.Correspondence. None
17. To resolve to approve nominations for Councillor/Clerk Training. None
18. Chairperson's report. No report
19. Clerk's report. No report
20. Parish Councillor's reports for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. No reports
21. To consider moving into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for confidential items. There were no matters to discuss under this item.
Date and time of next meeting - Parish Council meeting Weds 9th February 2022 7.00pm
10 Year Strategy Working Party meeting (Zoom) 20th January 2022.
There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 20.20pm